Przeszczepianie szpiku po przygotowaniu chemioterapia i napromienianiu całego ciała. III. Opis przypadku. Journal title: Nowotwory Journal of Oncology Authors: K Sułek, M Kłos, I Federowicz, J Nowak, R Carewicz, Z Dańczak-Ginalska, P Kukołowicz Subject(s):
Radiofrequency denervation with or without addition of pentoxifylline or methylprednisolone for chronic lumbar zygapophysial joint pain. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: Jan Dobrogowski, Anna Wrzosek, Jerzy Wordliczek Subject(s):
Lidocaine-Midazolam-Fentanyl Combination in Controlling Pain for Reduction of Anterior Shoulder Dislocation; a Randomized Clinical Trial Journal title: Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine Authors: Subject(s):
EPIDEMIOLOGICAL AND CLINICAL PROFILE OF BREAST CANCER PATIENTS AT KR HOSPITAL, MYSORE Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Rangaswamy Rangaswamy, Vikas L Subject(s):
Effects of Two-by-Two Combination Therapy with Valproic Acid, Lithium Chloride, and Celecoxib on the Angiogenesis of the Chicken Chorioallantoic Membrane Journal title: Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences Authors: Ehsan Afzal, Sedigheh Alinezhad, Marjan Khorsand, Mohammad Javad Khoshnood, Mohammad Ali Takhshid Subject(s):
PRIMARY URETHRAL SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA OF THE BULBAR URETHRA IN ELDERLY PATIENT: A CASE REPORT AND REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Journal title: World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research Authors: Dr. Abdelmalik Mouzount Subject(s):
Chemotherapy For Bulky and Fixed Nodal Metastasis in Carcinoma Penis: A Case Report and Review of Literature Journal title: Indian Journal of Cancer Education and Research Authors: RB Nerli Subject(s):
Radiation/Drug Interactions and the Combinational Effects of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors and Radiation Therapy in the Treatment of Cancer Journal title: Advances in Clinical Toxicology Authors: Sokol GH*, Chin G, Por E, Oliver T and Loftus L Subject(s): Toxicology