A Study Of The Compliance Of Patient With Asthma To The Line Of Management Journal title: IOSR Journal of Nursing and health Science Authors: Sumati V. Deodhar Subject(s):
Weekly Versus Three-Weekly Cisplatin in Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy for Head and Neck Squamous Cancers: A Prospective Study Journal title: Indian Journal of Cancer Education and Research Authors: Najah Mohamed Nizam Subject(s):
Islamic house financing in Pakistan: A demand analysis Journal title: Islamic Banking and Finance Review (IBFR) Authors: Muhammad Mansoor Javed, Muhammad Mahmmod Shah Khan, Haris Aslam Subject(s):
Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Antenatal Women towards Iron-Folic Acid and Calcium Supplementation at a Tertiary-care Hospital in Jaipur Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: Dr. Lata Rajoria, Dr. Nidhi Goyal, Dr. Pushpa Nagar, Dr. Kiran Meena, Dr. Soumya Singh Subject(s):
AUTHORITY OF GOVERNMENT IN TRUST AND COMPLIANCE OF TAXPAYERS: THE THEORY OF SLIPPERY SLOPE. Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) Authors: Irawati. HM, Muhammad Ali, Yohanis Rura, Arifuddin. a Subject(s):
Cost Analysis of Anti- Diabetic Drugs in India Journal title: Saudi Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Rabiya Ahamedi, K. Dileep, J. John Kirubakaran, M.D Dhanaraju Subject(s): Pharmaceutical science - Pharmaceutical science
Income smoothing and Islam: Evidence from Pakistan Shari’Ah compliant companies Journal title: Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization (JITC) Authors: Afia Mushtaq, Hassan Sultan, Farrukh Ijaz Subject(s):
Knowledge, attitude, and use of oral contraceptive pills among Saudi women seen at the primary care clinics of Security Forces Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr Maryam Megaeed Alotaibi Subject(s):
A Study to Determine Impact of Non-Compliance to Secondary Prophylaxis On Survivors of Acute Myocardial Infarction Post Discharge Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals Authors: Yashwant Panwar, Akhilesh Shroti, Anil Bharani Subject(s):
To assess the Compliance and Sedation Score of Intranasal Midazolam and dexmedetomedine Premedication among Children Journal title: Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia Authors: Shilpa S. Naik Subject(s):
Compliance and Microbial Findings Among Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Health Care Workers in a Tertiary Hospital in Sudan: Pre- and Post-Intervention Study Journal title: Public Health – Open Journal Authors: Ikhlas Mohamed Hamed Elyas Subject(s):
The importance of implementing compliance programs to increase the transparency of Ukrainian business Journal title: Часопис Київського університету права Authors: Nataliia Smetanina, Daria Popova Subject(s):
A cross-sectional study on compliance with topical glaucoma medication and its associated socioeconomic burden for a Chinese population Journal title: International Journal of Ophthalmology Authors: Kendrick Co Shih Subject(s):
Patients knowledge and perception about hypothyroidism : Indian perspective Journal title: Journal of the Indian Medical Association Authors: Deepak Khandelwal, Deep Dutta, Sachin Chittawar Subject(s):