Cracking of Reinforced Recycled Concrete Slabs Journal title: International Journal of Structural Glass and Advanced Materials Research Authors: Flavio Stochino, Luisa Pani, Lorena Francesconi and Fausto Mistretta Subject(s): Engineering, Materials Science, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Manufacturing Technology, Biomaterials, Environmental Protection
РЕКОНСТРУКЦИЯ КРУПНОПАНЕЛЬНЫХ ЗДАНИЙ СЕРИИ 1-335С С НЕПОЛНЫМ КАРКАСОМ В ИРКУТСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ Journal title: Izvestiya vuzov. Investitsii. Stroitelstvo. Nedvizhimost (Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate) Authors: Петров А.В. , Петунин А.Г. Subject(s): Engineering, Architecture
Structural analysis of airfield concrete pavement with doweled joints taking into account curling of slabs Journal title: Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty Authors: Mirosław Graczyk, Marcin Gajewski, Radosław Szczerba Subject(s):
Influence of Longitudinal Reinforcement on the Punching Shear Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Slabs Journal title: Engineering Structures and Technologies Authors: Dainius Šakinis, Povilas Vainiūnas Subject(s):
INFLUENCE OF SKEW ANGLE ON STATIC BEHAVIOUR OF RCC AND PSC SLAB BRIDGE DECKS Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Technology Authors: Subject(s):
Improvement of the structure of floating docks based on the study into the stresseddeformed state of pontoon Journal title: Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий Authors: Oleksandr Shchedrolosiev, Leontiy Korostylov, Serhii Klymenkov, Kostiantyn Kyrychenko Subject(s):
MODELING OF STRESS-STRAIN STATE OF THICK CONCRETE SLABS TAKING THE CREEP OF CONCRETE INTO ACCOUNT Journal title: International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering Authors: Batyr M. Yazyev, Anton S. Chepurnenko, Anzhelika V. Saibel Subject(s):