Multiscale approach to description of deformation and fracture of brittle media with hierarchical porous structure on the basis of movable cellular automaton method Journal title: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale Authors: Ig. S. Konovalenko, A. Yu. Smolin, S. G. Psakhie Subject(s):
Improving Mechanical Properties of AL 7075 alloy by Equal Channel Angular Extrusion process Journal title: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Authors: Mohan Reddy Subject(s):
Digital Generation, Digital Communication And The Digitalized (!) Turkish Journal title: AJIT-e: Bilişim Teknolojileri Online Dergisi Authors: Tüba Karahisar Subject(s):
THREE DIMENSIONAL STRESS STATE OF SMART COMPOSITE LAMINATED CROSS PLY USING HSDT WITH ZIG ZAG FUNCTION Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: P.Yagnasri* Subject(s):
Magnetic Fluid-Based Squeeze Film Performance in Rotating Curved Porous Circular Plates: The Effect of Deformation and Surface Roughness Journal title: Tribology in Industry Authors: M.E. Shimpi, G.M. Deheri Subject(s):
Wielokanałowy optyczny system do kontroli jakości druku cyfrowego Journal title: Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe Authors: Jacek Galas, Dariusz Litwin, Adam Czyżewski, Stefan Sitarek, Katarzyna Kołacz Subject(s):
ANALYSIS OF VIBRATION ON MULTI-LEAF SPRING IN AN AUTOMOBILE UNDER LOADING USING FEM TOOL ANSYS Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: Kiran Jadhav Subject(s):
SURFACE DEVELOPMENT BASED ON PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MATERIAL Journal title: В мире научных открытий Authors: Vladimir Frolovsky, Nikolay Yarmolinsky Subject(s):
Cyclic Deformation of Hastelloy and Inconel Alloys and Slip Bands Formation Journal title: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Authors: Aezeden Mohamed Subject(s):
Effect of crack propagation on crack tip fields Journal title: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale Authors: F.V. Antunes, A.G. Chegini, L.M. Correia, A.L. Ramalho Subject(s):
ЦЕНТР ОТНОСИТЕЛЬНОГО ПОВОРОТА ТРЕХОСНОГО АВТОМОБИЛЯ Journal title: Вестник Харьковского национального автомобильно-дорожного университета Authors: V. Redchits, B. Kalchenko, E. Golovina Subject(s):
Statistici descriptive şi modele potenţial aplicabile în domeniul dimensionării spaţiului interior din autoturisme Journal title: Revista Romana de Statistica Authors: Gheorghe Săvoiu, Victor Iorga Simăn, Constantin Manea Subject(s): Mathematics, Statistics , Science
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation Into Rotary Forging of Axi-Symmetric Aluminium Disc Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: Debabrata Rath Subject(s):
Geodetic monitoring (TLS) of a steel transport trestle bridge located in an active mining exploitation site Journal title: Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation Authors: Arkadiusz , Justyna Komoda, Janina Zaczepek-Peplinska Subject(s):