A High Speed 16*16 Multiplier Based On Urdhva Tiryakbhyam Sutra

Journal title: International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology

Authors: B.Ratna Raju| Kakinada Institute Of Engineering & Technology ratnaraju.ece@kietgroup.com, D.V.Satish...

Subject(s): Engineering, Medicine, Social Sciences, Pharmacy

Design and Implementation of Unsigned Multiplier Using COSA

Journal title: International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology

Authors: S.Varaprasad Babu| PG Scholar, Dept of ECE, Nova College of Engineering, JNTUK, A.P, India, T.Babu R...

Subject(s): Engineering, Medicine, Social Sciences, Pharmacy

Detection of Behavioral Malware in Delay Tolerant Networks

Journal title: International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology

Authors: Kolanu Venkata Krishna Sasikanth| M.Tech (IT), S.R.K.R.Engineering College, A.P., India, K.Satyanara...

Subject(s): Engineering, Medicine, Social Sciences, Pharmacy

Encounted Malware Using Spyware In Delay Tolerant Network

Journal title: International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology

Authors: B.Estheramma| Department of CSE, QISCET, Ongole, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA, estheru.bommala@gmail.com, G...

Subject(s): Engineering, Medicine, Social Sciences, Pharmacy


Journal title: International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering

Authors: K. Soujanya, R. Samba Siva Nayak and M. Rajarajeswari

Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Management Science, Development Studies

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