Los desafíos de la integración y el pluralismo: la prensa nacional y regional en Chile Journal title: Chasqui. Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación Authors: Carlos Del Valle Rojas, Claudio Salinas Muñoz, René Jara Reyes Subject(s):
Surface prospection of burial grounds and new research tools (on the example of the study of changes in cemetery boundaries) Journal title: Journal of Geography, Politics and Society Authors: Anna Majewska Subject(s):
Effect of post - harvest application of wax - emulsion and gibberellic acid on the physical characters of kinnow mandarin fruits during storage Journal title: International Journal of Scientific Research and Management Authors: Anjali varshney Subject(s):
Fair Trade, an Alternative Integration Process: Case Study of Etchohuaquila, Navojoa, Sonora. Journal title: Archives of Business Research Authors: Carlos German Palafox Moyers, Alexandra Robles Encinas, Andrea Nohemi Villegas Soto Subject(s):
THE ELEMENTARY SOIL AREAS OF THE MYKOLAIV-HORODOK OPILLIA Journal title: Вісник Львівського університету. Серія географічна Authors: Mykola Fedotikov, Taras Yamelynets Subject(s):
Influence of Fruit Based Agroforestry Systems on Soil Properties for Sustainable Soil Health in Hill Zone of West Bengal, India Journal title: International Journal of Plant & Soil Science Authors: B. Subba, P. K. Dhara Subject(s):
Social Solidarity in Adorno, Habermas and Rorty Journal title: insan & toplum Authors: Oğuzhan Ekinci Subject(s):
Comparative Investigation of the Effects of the Commonly-consumed Aqueous Extracts of Hibiscus sabdariffa (Zobo Drinks) on Body Weight, Glucose Level and Lipid Profile Using Normal Wistar Albino Rats Journal title: International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review Authors: Chukwu, Charles Nnanna, Akaninwor, Joyce Oronne, Ikewuchi, Catherine Chidinma Subject(s): Chemistry, Biochemistry
Darier-White disease: A rare genetic disorder Journal title: Journal of General-Procedural Dermatology & Venereology Indonesia Authors: Cara Lynn Marie N. Chia, Ma. Teresita G. Gabriel, Leilani R. Senador, Ciara Mae dela Cruz Subject(s): Medicine, Dermatology
Production of Agaricus bisporus (JE Lange) Imbach Biomass under Submerged Cultivation by Using Citrus reticulata Blanco Waste as an Alternative Carbon Source Journal title: Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology Authors: Thomas M. Schmidt, Michele Hoeltz, Ana P. Müller, Jennifer Julich, Yuri G. Kappenberg, Guilherme G.... Subject(s):
Heavy Metals and Essential Elements in Selected Medicinal Plants Commonly Used for Medicine in Tanzania Journal title: Chemical Science International Journal Authors: Leonid L. Nkuba, Najat K. Mohammed Subject(s):
Modulations of Hibiscus sabdariffa Extract on Ethanol Induced Hepatotoxicity Journal title: Archives of Current Research International Authors: R. N. Ativie, A. A. Aigbiremolen, R. E. Ubom, V. O. Oseh, O. M. Odigie, J. C. Igweh Subject(s):
O biografii Leonarda Marcina Świeykowskiego (Rec.: D. Rolnik, Leonarda Marcina Świeykowskiego [1721–1793] ostatniego wojewody podolskiego życie codzienne i polityczne oraz myśli o Rzeczypospolitej, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice 2016, ss. 756) Journal title: Przegląd Nauk Historycznych Authors: Andrzej Stroynowski Subject(s): History
Ks. Prałat Bogusław Bijak (1930–2011) – duszpasterz i wychowawca Journal title: Biografistyka Pedagogiczna Authors: Paweł Bijak Subject(s):
Percepción de docentes y estudiantes sobre el ciberacoso. Estrategias de intervención y afrontamiento en Educación Primaria y Secundaria Journal title: Comunicar Authors: Ana-M. Giménez-Gualdo, Pilar Arnaiz-Sánchez, Fuensanta Cerezo-Ramírez, Elaine Prodócimo Subject(s):