Socio-economic factors affecting teenage pregnancy in northern Indian population: A cross sectional study Journal title: The Journal of Community Health Management Authors: Nadeem Ahmad, Rubeena Bano, Arshiya Khan Subject(s): Medicine
Considerations Regarding Cross-border Cultural and Academic Cooperation Programs between EU and the South and Eastern Mediterranean Countries – The Case of Cultural and Academic Exchanges Journal title: EUROLIMES Authors: Lucian JORA Subject(s):
SOAL SERUPA PISA MENGGUNAKAN KONTEKS CABANG OLAHRAGA LARI Journal title: JURNAL INOVASI EDUKASI Authors: Dian Fitra, Ratu Ilma Indra Putri, Ely Susanti Subject(s):
Developing Conceptual Framework of Ethical Investment Studies Journal title: Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies Authors: Abdulloh Mubarok, Dien Noviany Rahmatika, Budi Susetyo, Teguh B. Raharjo, Novi Mardiani Subject(s): Economics, Banks and Banking, Marketing, Accounting, Management, Business, Finance
Examining Development Studies (DS) Teaching Philosophy, Methods and Desired Competences in Lesotho Secondary Context Journal title: European Journal of Teaching and Education Authors: Ngoanannete David Lekhanya, Subject(s): Education, Education Research, Educational Technology, Philosophy of Education