PEMELIHARAAN MESIN DISC MILL SENTRA PETERNAKAN RAKYAT (SPR) CINAGARBOGO Journal title: SINTEK JURNAL: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Authors: Adhan Efendi Subject(s): Engineering, Mechanical
Crushing Power of a Corn Cob Chopping Machine for the Manufacture of Animal Feed at the Cinagarabogo Peopleâs Livestock Centre, Subang Regency, Indonesia Journal title: American Journal of Agricultural Science, Engineering, and Technology Authors: Ferdi Fathurohman,Adhan Efendi,Ridwan Baharta, Subject(s): Engineering, Agricultural Science, Science, Technology
The Effect of the Knife Tacking Type on the Process of Producing Microcrystalline Cellulose Journal title: Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) Authors: Larisa V. Yurtayeva,Yuriy D. Alashkevich,Elena A. Slizikova,Evgeniy V. Kaplyov,Snezhana A. Pozharkov... Subject(s): Technology, Forestry