Journal title: Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation

Authors: Mare STOJMENOVSKA| Special Institute-Demir Kapija, Silvana FILIPOVA| Special Institute-Demir Kapija

Subject(s): Medicine, Psychology, Pediatrics

Voice Based Elderly Assistance Using Wireless Technology

Journal title: International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology

Authors: K.N.V.Kiran| M.Tech*, Embedded Systems, Nova College of Engineering and Technology. Jangareddy, Gude...

Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Engineering

Text to Speech Conversion with Phonematic Concatenation

Journal title: International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology

Authors: Tapas Kumar Patra| Reader, Dept of Instrumentation & Electronics Engineering College of Engg. & Tech...

Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Engineering

Linear Predictive Vocoder

Journal title: International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology

Authors: Mrs Savitha S Upadhya| EXTC Department Fr. C R I T, Vashi Navi Mumbai, India

Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Engineering

Modified Mapping Rules For English To Marathi Translation

Journal title: International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology

Authors: Rekha Sugandhi| Department of Computer Engineering MAEER’s MITCOE, Pune, India, Charugatra Tidke| De...

Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Engineering

Fingerprint and Speech Fusion: A Multimodal Biometric System

Journal title: International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology

Authors: Seyed Hassan Sadeghzadeh| Department of Computer and IT Payame Noor University, Iran, Morteza Amirsh...

Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Engineering

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