Limited Possibilities of Adapting the Economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the External Pressures of the Economic Crisis Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Rajko Tomaš Subject(s): Economics
The relationship between owners and managers in the existence of asymmetric information Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Далибор П. Томаш Subject(s): Economics
Negative selection and moral hazard as causes to inefcient transition and tendency towards crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Рајко Томаш Subject(s): Economics
Macroeconomic (in)stability of Bosnia and Herzegovina – crisis: opportunities or limitations Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Мирко Пуљић Subject(s): Economics
Schumpeterian growth theory: Entrepreneurship – a response to the economic downturn Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Јово Атељевић Subject(s): Economics
Openness to trade and competitiveness of small transitional economies Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Јелена Тешић Subject(s): Economics
The analysis of the Bosnia and Herzegovina’s level of compliance with the Maastricht convergence criteria Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Бранка Топић-Павковић Subject(s): Economics
Matchmaking Programme in function of the economic recovery: An empirical study in the Republic of Srpska Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Саша Петковић, Борис Новарлић Subject(s): Economics
Financial competitiveness of manufacturing industry in the Republic of Srpska Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Саша Вученовић, Милан Граховац Subject(s): Economics
Prospects of developing countries in digital economy case study of Montenegro Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Vujica Lazović Subject(s): Economics
Whether and how it is possible the recovery of the economy in conditions of globalization? Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Анђелко С. Лојпур Subject(s): Economics
Tourism and economic recovery Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Марко Шантић, Брано Маркић, Сања Бијакшић Subject(s): Economics
The Effect of foreign trade on economic growth in the Republic of Srpska Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Миленко Крајишник, Далибор Томаш Subject(s): Economics
Does Economic Freedom impact Economic growth: Decomposing the Effects for Bosnia and Herzegovina Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Zoran Borovic Subject(s): Economics
Measuring the Governance in Pakistan: An Introduction to KU Index Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Rana Ejaz Ali Khan, Shafqut Ullah Subject(s): Economics