BRAIN TUMOR DETECTION using OTSU for DICOM images, using WATERSHED and ACTIVE CONTOURS for multi-parameter MRI Images. Journal title: International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology Authors: Poojya P M , Mrs. V. Hemalatha , Prof. Shivakumar K.M Subject(s):
Badanie dominacji półkulowej dla funkcji mowy z zastosowaniem techniki rezonansu magnetycznego Journal title: Nowa Audiofonologia Authors: Tomasz Wolak, Agnieszka Pluta, Henryk Skarżyński Subject(s):
INTERSUBJECT VARIABILITY OF THALAMIC ACTIVATION DURING GENERATION OF BERGER’S ALPHA RHYTHM Journal title: Journal of Hearing Science Authors: Mateusz Rusiniak, Monika Lewandowska, Agnieszka Pluta, Katarzyna Cieśla, Joanna Wójcik, Tomasz Wolak Subject(s):
Differential Emotional State Reasoning in Young and Older Adults: Evidence from Behavioral and Neuroimaging Data Journal title: Journal of Neurology and Psychology Authors: Prochnow D Subject(s):
Literature Survey about Brainwave Test Journal title: International journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology Authors: Madhu Sudha. M Subject(s):
Using Functional Neuroimaging to Refine the Diagnostic Construct of Borderline Personality Disorder Journal title: Journal of Neuroimaging in Psychiatry and Neurology Authors: Merav H. Silverman, S. Charles Schulz, Kathryn R. Cullen Subject(s):
Functional Associations of Temperamental Predisposition and Brain Responses While Processing Stressful Word Stimuli Related to Interpersonal Relationships in Bulimia Nervosa Patients: an fMRI Study Journal title: Journal of Neuroimaging in Psychiatry and Neurology Authors: Yoshie Miyake, Yasumasa Okamoto, Keiichi Onoda, Yuri Okamoto, Shigeto Yamawaki Subject(s):
Mechanizmy neuronalne fluencji semantycznej i literowej: badania z użyciem fMRI. Implikacje kliniczne Journal title: Polskie Forum Psychologiczne Authors: Ewa Małgorzata Szepietowska, Barbara Gawda Subject(s):
Neurobiology of Pornography Addiction – A clinical review Journal title: Telangana Journal of Psychiatry Authors: Avinash De Sousa, Pragya Lodha Subject(s):
Incongruità, risoluzione e divertimento nella fruizione umoristica alla luce delle neuroscienze [Incongruity, resolution, and amusement in humor processing from a neuroscientific standpoint] Journal title: RISU Rivista Italiana di Studi sull’Umorismo Authors: Silvia Gasparini Subject(s):
Ręczność, praksja i język: nowe spojrzenie na delikatną triadę Journal title: Polskie Forum Psychologiczne Authors: Grzegorz Króliczak, Mikołaj Buchwald, Weronika Potok, Łukasz Przybylski Subject(s):
Method of brain memory functional networks Journal title: Scholars Bulletin Authors: Lanhua Zhang, Chengxin Yan, Huihui Yang, Yujuan Li, Baoliang Sun Subject(s):
Selected neuroplastic effects of cognitive training in aging in MRI/fMRI studies Journal title: Rocznik Andragogiczny Authors: Emilia Leszkowicz Subject(s):
Proces tworzenia głosu – przegląd aktualnej literatury przedmiotu Journal title: Nowa Audiofonologia Authors: Paulina Krasnodębska, Tomasz Wolak, Agata Szkiełkowska Subject(s):