ISSN: 2077-172X (print) (online)

Subject: Social Sciences

Date Added To EuroPub: 2017/Jul/17

Revista Científica

ISSN: 0124-2253 (print) 2344-8350 (online)

Subject: Technological Change

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Camera Separatoria

ISSN: 2083-6392 (print) 2299-6265 (online)

Subject: Chemistry, Technological Change

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Journal of Numerical Cognition

ISSN: (print) 2363-8761 (online)

Subject: Mathematics, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion

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Annals of Intensive Care

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Subject: Medicine, Emergency Medicine and Critical Care, Internal Medicine

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Journal of Medical Physics

ISSN: 0971-6203 (print) 1998-3913 (online)

Subject: Medicine, Medical Imaging and Radiology, Biomedical Physics

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Frontiers in Heat Pipes

ISSN: (print) 2155-658X (online)

Subject: Physics, Science Education, Thermodynamics

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Educação & Linguagem

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Subject: Education

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Economía Teoría y Práctica

ISSN: 0188-3380 (print) 2448-7481 (online)

Subject: Economics, Social Sciences, Economics History

Date Added To EuroPub: 2017/Jul/16

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