CUTANEOUS METASTASES OF FOLLICULAR CARCINOMA THYROID DIAGNOSED BY FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION CYTOLOGY Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Bharati Hunnur, Blessy Thomas, Zulfikar Ahmed, Umaru N Subject(s):
Median forehead flap - beyond classic indication Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Investigative Surgery Authors: Cristian R. Jecan, Cristina N. Cozma, Adrian Tulin, Alexandru D. Hernic, Laura Răducu Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine, Surgery
Forehead Morphology Pattern: Does it indicate the Potential Existence of the so-called Forehead Print? Journal title: International Journal of Forensic Science & Pathology (IJFP) Authors: Nagy Alfadaly Subject(s):
SURGICAL OUTCOME OF LID SPARING ORBITAL EXENTERATION WITH PRESERVATION OF THE ORBITAL PERIOSTEUM FOR SOCKET AND LID RECONSTRUCTION Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Salil Kumar Mandal, Tamojit Chatterjee, James Christian Fleming Subject(s):
Larva Migrans Cutanée: 3 cas de localisation au front Journal title: Nasza Dermatologia Online Authors: Laouali Salissou Subject(s):
Extramedullary Plasmacytoma of Forehead -Diagnosed on FNAC Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: Chawla Nitika, Aggarwal Ruchi, Garg Uma, Verma Deepak, Saluja Kaur Swaran, Kumar Dinesh Subject(s):
Squamous cell carcinoma of scalp Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH Authors: Sandeep P. Inchanalkar, Abhay P. Chougule, Arun kumar deshmukh, Vinod L. Karagi, Chamandeep S. Kambo... Subject(s):
Endoscopic Solution to Rhinogenic Contact Headaches Journal title: Bengal Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery Authors: Hasan Abdul Cader Segana, Reghunandanan Nair, Fahim Ahmed Shah Subject(s):
Regional Pedicled Flaps in Head and Neck Oncoreconstruction in Current Era – Single Centre Experience 0f 20 Cases Journal title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Authors: Shyam Gupta, Akhil Kumar Chouhan, Rajesh Prajapati, Achal Gupta Subject(s):
A Comprehensive Study of Pramana Shareera W.S.R. to Lalaata Pramana and its Relation with IQ Journal title: Indian Journal of Ancient Medicine and Yoga Authors: Pragalbh M. R., Poojarani K. P., Hinduja P. S. Subject(s):
Primary Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Presenting as a Forehead Mass: A Rare Presentation Journal title: Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports Authors: Sant Prakash Kataria, Roomi Yadav, Sanjay Kumar, Nitin Yadav, Archana ,, Rajeev Sen Subject(s):
Cytological Diagnosis of Metastasis from Plasma Cell Myeloma Presented As Forehead Swellings- An Unusual Case Report Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr Sheela K M Subject(s):
Combination of advancement flap and modified Limberg flap to close big circular lateral forehead defect Journal title: International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports Authors: Sarah Sabur, Lamiaa Bensaida, LAYLA MAHROUG, SANAEE EL MOURABIT, SAMIR MAAZOUZ, NOURDDINE GHARIB, Ab... Subject(s):
Nasal alar and lobule reconstruction – Case presentation Journal title: Romanian Journal of Rhinology Authors: Aurelian Radu Budurca, Teodor Stamate, Mihail Dan Cobzeanu, Angelica Balaur Subject(s):
Intussusception of the small intestine – a rare cause of gastrointestinal obstruction in adults – case report Journal title: Pomeranian Journal of Life Sciences Authors: Marzena Lenda-Petrykowska, Szymon Kosiłowicz Subject(s):