MONITORING THE ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES IN THE SOUTHERN CARPATHIANS, ROMANIA, THROUGH REMOTE SENSING TECHNIQUES Journal title: Geographia Napocensis Authors: Rajka Petra, Kassay Amália Györgyi, Podină Denisia, Moldovan Maria-Olivia Subject(s):
A preliminary assessment of soil sulphur contamination and vegetations in the vicinity of former boreholes on the aff orested post-mine site Jeziórko Journal title: Geology, Geophysics & Environment Authors: J. Likus-Cieślik, M. Pietrzykowski, W. Krzaklewski Subject(s):
Аналіз витрат і вигід процесу лісовідновлення в умовах Малого Полісся [Cost-benefit analysis of reforestation process: Male Polissya as case study] Journal title: Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України Authors: Ludmyla Zahvoyska, Іiuliia Shvediuk Subject(s):
DEFORESTATION- A SOCIO-LEGAL PERSPECTIVE Journal title: International journal of research -GRANTHAALAYAH Authors: Subject(s):
Suitability of the underdeveloped southern of calcareous chernozems for growing forest plantations in the steppe Crimea Journal title: Лісівництво і агролісомеліорація Authors: S. Raspopina, Ju. Shvetz, L. Selivanova, A. Rud, E. Ivaniсheva Subject(s):
Peculiarities of natural regeneration in beech forests of Mountain Сrimea Journal title: Лісівництво і агролісомеліорація Authors: V. Tkach Subject(s):
Forest management in Sweden: current status and features of wood resource potential usage Journal title: Лісівництво і агролісомеліорація Authors: I. Neyko Subject(s):
Afforestation of the Ukrainian steppe – good or disaster? Journal title: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка, серія «Географія» Authors: O. Gavrylenko Subject(s):
Future agriculture and food supply chain - not even doomsday preppers got it right Journal title: Ecocycles Authors: Ivan Stefanic, Filip Stefanic Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Social Sciences, Agricultural Science
Encouraging the planting of native trees in the urban area for proliferation of stingless bees Journal title: ACTA Apicola Brasilica Authors: Gilberto Martins, Rener Luciano de Souza Ferraz, Jane Lima Batista, Marcelo de Andrade Barbosa Subject(s):
Fragmentação florestal na Área de Proteção Ambiental de Tambaba, Paraíba, Brasil Journal title: Pesquisa e Ensino em Ciências Exatas e da Natureza Authors: Saara Rodrigues, Cleber Salimon, Saulo Vital Subject(s): Education, Miscellaneous, Science
Spatio-Temporal Deforestation Measurement Using Automatic Clustering Journal title: EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Authors: Irene Erlyn Wina Rachmawan, Ali Ridho Barakbah, Tri Harsono Subject(s):
FOREST MANAGEMENT AS AN ELEMENT OF ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT Journal title: Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports Authors: Roman JASZCZAK, Piotr GOŁOJUCH, Sandra WAJCHMAN-ŚWITALSKA, Mariusz MIOTKE Subject(s):
Activity of soil enzymes in rhizosphere of scots pine as a marker of the quality of wooded, formerly arable, soils Journal title: Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports Authors: E. J. Bielińska, T. Węgorek Subject(s):
Infection of scots pine afforestations (Pinus sylvestris L.) by annosum root rot (Heterobasidion annosum (fr.) Bref.) in the eastern german lignite district Journal title: Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports Authors: D. Knoche, C. Ertle Subject(s):