The role of pedogenic processes and soil characteristics on nickel distribution in some Oxiaquic Paleudalfs Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences Authors: Mohammad Javad Mohebbi Sadegh*| Department of Soil Science Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Engi... Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine
Efficacy of grape seed and skin extract against doxorubicin-induced oxidative stress in rat liver Journal title: Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Meherzia Mokni , Sonia Hamlaoui , Safouen Kadri , Ferid Limam , Mohamed Amri , Lamjed Marzouki , Ezz... Subject(s):
Cross sectional comparative study of serum free iron in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with and without retinopathy and nephropathy complications Journal title: International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research Authors: Maitreyee DS, Preethi BP, PM Gangadhara Swamy Subject(s):
Correlation between serum free iron, glycated hemoglobin and insulin resistance in uncontrolled type-2 diabetic patients Journal title: National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology Authors: Anitha Achuthan, Uma Mageswari Subject(s):
Effect of Blood Transfusions on Oxidant/Antioxidants Balance in Beta Thalassaemia Major Patients Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Anupama Basvaraj Patne, Prashant Jagannathrao Hisalkar, Sanjay B Gaikwad, Vinod R Bhagwat Subject(s):