EFFECT OF ROOTSTOCKS AGE ON SOFTWOOD GRAFTING IN JACKFRUIT (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) Journal title: International Journal of Agriculture Sciences Authors: H.L. PRIYANKA, G.M. VINAY, KULAPATI HIPPARAGI, NAYAN DEEPAK G., N.P. MAMATHA Subject(s):
Effects of milk and fruit consumption on Crohn's disease: a systematic review. Journal title: Archives of Nursing Research Authors: Maria I Mangas-Borrego Subject(s):
Mycoflora Associated with Baobab (Adansonia digitata) and their Effect on the Nutritional Composition of the Leaf and Fruit Journal title: International journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology Authors: Nasiru Y Subject(s):
Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of reduced sugar starfruit juice Journal title: Food Research Authors: L.D. Prasetijo, C.Y. Trisnawati, I. Srianta Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Nutrition and Metabolism, Food Science & Technology
In-vitro and in-vivo Activities of the Ethanol Pulp Extract of Annona muricata (Linn) Fruit in Albino Rats Infected with Salmonella typhi Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Ebenener Oluyemi Dada, Olajide Sunday Faleye Subject(s):
Effect of Irradiation on Vitamin C, Acidity and Moisture Content of Mango Fruits with Gamma Ray from Cobalt-60 Source Journal title: Asian Journal of Physical and Chemical Sciences Authors: Idodo Maxwell, Ali Haruna, Adamu Baba-Kutigi, Danladi Eli Subject(s):
Effect of Irradiation on Rotting and Mass of Mango Fruits with Gamma Ray from Cobalt-60 Source Journal title: Asian Journal of Chemical Sciences Authors: Idodo Maxwell, Ali Haruna, Baba Kutigi Subject(s):
Dried fruit breadfruit slices by Refractive Window™ technique Journal title: TecnoLógicas Authors: Diego F. Tirado, Diofanor Acevedo-Correa, Piedad M. Montero-Castillo Subject(s):
Empty Fruit Bunch Spreader Machine: Machine Concept Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Research Authors: Azali Awaludin, et al. Subject(s):
The Berry Fruit Açai (Euterpe oleracea Mart): Bringing Health Benefits and Exotism to the Modern Table Journal title: Advances in Food Technology and Nutritional Sciences - Open Journal Authors: Farid Menaa Subject(s):
Evaluation of daily fruit and vegetable consumption by students’ youth Journal title: Єдине здоров'я та проблеми харчування України Authors: L.B. Yeltsova, S.T. Omelchuk Subject(s):
STUDY OF OUTWARD SIGNS, MICROSCOPY AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF WALNUT Journal title: Asian Journal of Pharamceutical and Clinical Research Authors: Strelyaeva Av, Lezhava Di, Luferov An, Bobkova Nv, Kartashova Nv, Kuznetsov Rm Subject(s):
SUBHRONIC RESEARCH OF EXTRACTS BASED ON CHITOSAN FOR STONE FRUITS Journal title: Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі Authors: Антоніна Дубініна, Тетяна Летута, Віра Новікова, Vira Novikova, Tatiana Letuta, Antonina Dubinina Subject(s):
Penggunaan Serbuk Buah Pare (Momordicha charantia L) Terhadap Kematian Larva Aedes aegypti Journal title: Higiene : Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Authors: Anis Yulianti Shafarini, Anita Dewi Moelyaningrum, Ellyke Ellyke Subject(s):
Changes in the bioactive compounds of pasteurized gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) juice Journal title: TecnoLógicas Authors: Lilian Carcamo-Medina, Mildred Eleazar-Turcios, Luis Eduardo Ordóñez-Santos Subject(s):