HEPATOPROTECTIVE EFFECT OF COMBINATION OF TENDER LEAVES OF MANGIFERA INDICA LINN AND TENDER COCONUT WATER IN HEP G2 CELLS. Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) Authors: Surumi Salahudeen, Jollykutty Eapen, V.C Indulekha. Subject(s):
APEXIFICATION WITH RAPID MTA PLUG TECHNIQUE Journal title: Indian Journal of Scientific Research Authors: BABIT AAHLAWAT Subject(s):
Caffeine Increases Apolipoprotein A-1 and Paraoxonase-1 but not Paraoxonase-3 Protein Levels in Human-Derived Liver (HepG2) Cells Journal title: Balkan Medical Journal Authors: Gülben Sayılan Özgün, Eray Özgün, Kıymet Tabakçıoğlu, Selma Süer Gökmen, Sevgi Eskiocak, Erol Çakır Subject(s):
The Study on Hydrophobic Association Polymer's Adaptability to PubeiReservior G2 Block Journal title: Scholars Bulletin Authors: Li Hongkang, Sun Jiarui, Wei Xiaochen Subject(s):
Premium Rate Patterns of Deposit Insurance System: Foreign Practice and Implications for China Journal title: Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management Authors: Yaxi Zhang Subject(s):
Anti-Cancer Activities of Crude Extracts from Kenyan Moringa Oleifera Lam and Rauwolfia Caffra against Selected Cancer Cell Lines Journal title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS) Authors: T. Milugo1, L.K. Omosa, B. Owuor, J. Oyugi4, F. Wamunyokoli5 Subject(s):
Determinants of Profitability of Banks in India: A Panel Data Analysis Journal title: Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management Authors: Mr. Adwaita Maiti, Sebak Kumar Jana Subject(s):
Compression of Video Using JPEG2000 (J2K) Journal title: Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology Authors: Mala Sinnoor Subject(s):
Left Zeroid and Right Zeroid Elements of Γ-Semirings Journal title: Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications Authors: M. Murali Krishna Rao, K.R. Kumar Subject(s):
Payment Scheme and the Effect of Compounded Interest: An Analysis under Three Scenarios Journal title: Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies Authors: Ignacio Ortiz-Betancourt, Arturo, García-Santillán, Ferrer-Nieto C, López-Martínez M . Subject(s):
Association of rs2231142 with Serum Uric Acid among the Nepalese Patient Visiting the Tertiary Care Hospital Journal title: International Journal of Biochemistry & Physiology Authors: Koirala N Subject(s):
Access to Private Higher Education and Future Savings Scheme: How to Align these Variables? Journal title: Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Authors: García-Santillán, Arturo, Zamora-Lobato, Teresa Subject(s):
Global Political Mechanism G20-G8-G77 With Global Leadership, Intelligence Agency Theory And Conflicts Sexual Health,Capitalism Emperors ,Nation Guinea Kankanwest Africa.Compare, China And Russia United Nation, Security Council ,Law Journal title: International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention Authors: Toure Cheick Ahmed Mandia, sity Daud, Russli Kamaruddin Subject(s):
On Intuitionist Fuzzy P-Ideals and H-Ideals in Bci-Algebras Journal title: International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention Authors: Dr.R. Jayasudha, Dr.N. Uthirasamy Subject(s):
WQbZS: Wavelet Quantization by Z-Scores for JPEG2000 Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Jesus Jaime Moreno-Escobar, Oswaldo Morales-Matamoros, Ricardo Tejeida-Padilla, Ana Lilia Coria-Paes... Subject(s):