Evaluation of artificial neural network MLP optimized with genetic algorithm in estimating and predicting R0 and rm of greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hemiptera: Aleyrodoidae) according to some characteristics of host plants under greenhouse conditions

Journal title: Journal of Entomological Society of Iran

Authors: Sakineh Naeim Amini, Ali Golizadeh, Bahram Tafaghodinia, Jabraeil Razmjou, Habib Abbasipour, Alireza...

Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Agricultural Science, Zoology and Animal Science

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome: Is There a Genetic Origin?

Journal title: Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine

Authors: Stefan Bittmann1*, Elisabeth Luchter2, Elena Moschüring-Alieva2, Lara Bittmann2 and Gloria Villalon2

Subject(s): Medicine, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Biomedicine, Molecular Biology, Medical science - Medicine - Alternative medicine

Genetics in Pediatric Dentistry

Journal title: Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine

Authors: Ambika K Nandini1, Anas Patel2, Alok Singh3, Kshama Chandurkar4, Vinay Umale5 and Rohit Kulshrestha6...

Subject(s): Medicine, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Biomedicine, Molecular Biology, Medical science - Medicine - Alternative medicine

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