Multi-agent evolutionary systems for the generation of complex virtual worlds Journal title: EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies Authors: J. Kruse, A. M. Connor Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Telecommunications
A Genetic Algorithm for Automated Refactoring of Component-Based Software Journal title: EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies Authors: Salim Kebir, Isabelle Borne, Djamel Meslati Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Telecommunications
Evolutionary generation of game levels Journal title: EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies Authors: A. M. Connor, T. J. Greig, J. Kruse Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Telecommunications
MODELING TIME SERIES FORECASTING USING EVOLUTIONARY TECHNIQUES Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology Authors: SARABJEET SINGH, SATVIR SINGH and VIJAY KUMAR BANGA Subject(s): Engineering
OPTIMIZATION OF HEURISTIC ALGORITHMS FOR IMPROVING BER OF ADAPTIVE TURBO CODES Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology Authors: K. SUMAN Subject(s): Engineering
A REVIEW BASED ON CHANNEL ESTIMATION FOR OPTICAL - ORTHOGONAL FREQUENCY DIVISION MULTIPLEXING Journal title: International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (IJEET) Authors: NISHA MARY JOSEPH and PUTTAMADAPPA C Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering
A NEW METHOD FOR SOLVING DEADLOCK USING GENETIC ALGORITHMS Journal title: International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology Authors: NADA THANOON AHMED, NARJIS MEZAAL SHATI Subject(s): Engineering, Civil Engineering
Caracterización de datos de desbalance de tensión en el suministro eléctrico industrial; Voltage Unbalance Assesment at Industrial Power Systems Journal title: Ingeniería Energética Authors: Julio R Gómez Sarduy, Marcos A de Armas Teyra, Percy R Viego Felipe, Ángel Costa Montiel Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy
Uso de computación evolutiva en identificación de parámetros del motor asincrónico con desbalance de tensión; Evolutionary Computation Applied to Asynchronoos Motor Parameter Identification with Unbalance Journal title: Ingeniería Energética Authors: Julio R Gómez Sarduy, Daniel Gálvez Lio, Marcos A de Armas Teyra, Percy R Viego Felipe, Ángel Costa... Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy
Balance de carga en circuitos de distribución primaria por algoritmo genético; Load Balance of Primary Distribution Circuits by Genetic Algorithm Journal title: Ingeniería Energética Authors: Ignacio Pérez Abril, Leonardo Casas Fernández Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy
Optimización del balance de carga en circuitos de distribución primaria; Optimization of the Load Balance on Primary Distribution circuits Journal title: Ingeniería Energética Authors: Ignacio PÉREZ ABRIL Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy
Compensación de la potencia reactiva en sistemas de baja tensión mediante bancos de capacitores fijos, utilizando algoritmos genéticos; Reactive compensation in low voltaje power systems with fixed capaciyors banks using genetic algorithms Journal title: Ingeniería Energética Authors: Davel Borges Vasconcellos, Ignacio Pérez Abril, Alfredo González Digón, Herschell Iglesias García Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy
Un Algoritmo Genético Especializado en Planeamiento de Redes de Distribución. Parte I. Fundamentos Técnicos del Algoritmo; A specialized Genetic Algorithm in Distribution Network planning. Part I. Algorithm Bases Journal title: Ingeniería Energética Authors: Raúl Nicolás Carvajal Pérez Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy
Un Algoritmo Genético Especializado en Planeamiento de Redes de Distribución. Parte II. Detalles del algoritmo y su aplicación; A specialized Genetic Algorithm in Distribution Network planning. Part II. Algorithm details and application Journal title: Ingeniería Energética Authors: Raúl Nicolás Carvajal Pérez Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy
Solución del problema de localización de condensadores en circuitos de distribución primaria mediante algoritmo genético Journal title: Ingeniería Energética Authors: Julio Rafael Gómez Sarduy Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy