The Determination of Mycotoxins in the Composition of Walnut (Juglans Regia L.) Fruits Cultivated in Different Geographical Regions of Uzbekistan by High–Performance Liquid Chromatography Method and Their Comparative Analysis

Journal title: International Journal of Current Science Research and Review

Authors: A.A. Tojikulov, Kh.Kh. Kushiev, T.A. Djuraev, U.M. Shapulatov

Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Plant Sciences, Economic Development, Technological Change and Growth, Medical Education , Business, Commercial, Consumer and Financial Law, Mathematical Modelling and Industrial Mathematics, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Humanities, Multidisciplinary, Psychology, Multidisciplinary, Engineering, Multidisciplinary, Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Theoretical approach to Chagas disease in Ecuador 2023

Journal title: Más Vita

Authors: Evelyn Michelle Zamora Quispilema, Brayan Humberto Cabadiana Galarza, Leonor Soliz Ordoñez, Alba Adr...

Subject(s): Biomedicine, Nursing, Clinical & Counselling Psychology, Health and Wellness, Health Care Sciences & Services

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