Exploitation of Cold Plasma Technology in Agriculture Journal title: Advances in Research Authors: Rohit Thirumdas, Anjineyulu Kothakota, K. Ch. S. Sai Kiran, R. Pandiselvam, V. Uday Bhanu Prakash Subject(s):
Variations of Weeds Seeds of Species Belonging to Poaceae on the Basis of Germination, Production and Morphological Characteristics Journal title: Advances in Research Authors: Meriem Hani, Rafika Lebazda, Mohamed Fenni Subject(s):
Effect of Composting on Physico-Chemical Properties of Semi-Finished Tannery Sludge Journal title: Advances in Research Authors: N. Jeyapandiyan, P. Doraisamy, M. Maheswari Subject(s):
Ocena wpływu nawożenia preparatem Biocal na właściwości fizykochemiczne i produktywność gleb przy wykorzystaniu biotestu Phytotoxkit Journal title: Przegląd Naukowy Inżynieria i Kształtowanie Środowiska Authors: Arkadiusz NIEWIADOMSKI Subject(s):
Allopathic Effect of Acacia seyal (Talih) on Germination and Seedling Growth of Sorghum bicolor (Sorghum) Journal title: Archives of Current Research International Authors: Fatima A. Hassan, Mai M. A. Hassan, Imad-Eldin A. Ali Babiker Subject(s):
Development of Novel Herbicidal Ionic Liquids Journal title: International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Authors: Shivani Verma, Virendra Kasana Subject(s):
Effect of Temperature and Plant Growth Regulators on Seed Germination Response of Oroxylum indicum-A High Value Threatened Medicinal Plant of Sikkim Himalaya Journal title: Journal of Plant Science and Research Authors: Mithilesh Singh Subject(s):
In-vitro Propagation of Aromatic Woody Plant Mesua Ferrea Linn Journal title: Journal of Plant Science and Research Authors: M.A. Deodhar Subject(s):
THE EFFECT OF SWARD RENOVATION METHOD, FORAGE MIXTURE AND FERTILIZATION ON GRASSLAND YIELD ON SANDY SOIL Journal title: Acta Scientiarum Polonorum – Agricultura Authors: Karol Wolski, Magdalena Szymura, Sebastian Świerszcz, Agnieszka Dradrach, Marta Talar-Krasa Subject(s):
Asymbiotic In vitro Seed Germination and Regeneration of Vanda coerulea Giff. Ex. Lindl., an Endangered Orchid from Northeast India Journal title: Journal of Plant Science and Research Authors: Robert Thangjam Subject(s):
HIERACIUM SYLVULARUM (ASTERACEAE) IN THE MORDOVIA STATE NATURE RESERVE: INVASIVE PLANT OR HISTORICAL HERITAGE OF THE FLORA? Journal title: Nature Conservation Research. Заповедная наука Authors: Anatoliy A. Khapugin Subject(s):
INFLUENCE OF SOWING PERIOD AND FERTILIZATION ON YIELD AND QUALITY OF SEEDS OF Nigella damascena AND Nigella sativa Journal title: Acta Scientiarum Polonorum – Agricultura Authors: Dijana Horvat, Marija Vukobratović, Krunoslav Karalić, Vesna Židovec Subject(s):
Pozostałości glifosatu w ziarnie i słomie oraz zdolność kiełkowania ziarna pszenicy jarej po zastosowaniu herbicydu w postaci cieczy jonowych w zabiegu przedżniwnym The residues of glyphosate in grain and straw of spring wheat and germination of grain after pre-harvest application of herbicide Journal title: Progress in Plant Protection Authors: Katarzyna Marcinkowska Subject(s):
Interspecific Difference in Boron tolerance at Seed Germination Stage in three Hibiscus species Journal title: Journal of Plant Science and Research Authors: Babu A Sonar Subject(s):
Influence of Seed Moisture Content on Seed Germination and Quality in Canes Journal title: Journal of Plant Science and Research Authors: Krishna A Subject(s):