HOMICIDE BY CERVICAL SPINAL CORD GUNSHOT INJURY WITH SHOTGUN FIRE PELLETS: CASE REPORT Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS) Authors: Dana Turliuc| PhD, Department of Neurosurgery, MD, Neurosurgery Unit II, 5PhD, Department of Patholo... Subject(s): Medicine, Biomedicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Oncology, Public Health and Community Medicine
Endoscopical removal of a metallic foreign body of the orbit by intraoperative navigation Journal title: Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny Authors: Emilia Karchier, Kazimierz Niemczyk, Jarosław Balcerzak Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Otorhinolaryngology
Endoskopowe usunięcie metalicznego ciała obcego oczodołu pod kontrolą nawigacji śdódoperacyjnej Journal title: Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny Authors: Emilia Karchier, Kazimierz Niemczyk, Jarosław Balcerzak Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Otorhinolaryngology
Dynamics of gunshot wound microbial contamination during complex surgical treatment Journal title: Хірургія України Authors: I. P. Khomenko, Ie. V. Tsema, V. Yu. Shapovalov, S. V. Tertyshny, P. O. Shklyarevych Subject(s):
Gunshot Injuries to Spine: Our Experience in Bir Hospital Journal title: Nepal Journal of Neuroscience Authors: Gopal Raman Sharma, MS Subject(s):
Early Fasciotomy due to Compartment Syndrome with Gradual Recovery of Nerve Function Journal title: JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MEDICINE Authors: KEVSER TURAL, Aykut Uyanık, Zeynep Bilgi Subject(s):
The features of surgical treatment of ventral hernias after gunshot wounds of the addomen Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: M.A. Kashtalian, O.S. Herasimenko, R.B. Yenin, K.R. Muradian, Ya.I. Haida Subject(s):
Surgical treatment of gunshot penetrated wounds of elbow joint Journal title: Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Prosthetics Authors: Natalia Borzykh, Oleksandr Strafun, Maksim Vlasenko Subject(s): Internal Medicine, Orthopedics, Medicine, Research & Experimental
Our experience of civilian bullet injuries of dorsal region a series of three cases Journal title: Journal of the Indian Medical Association Authors: Kanchan Sarkar Chakravarty, Sudipta Chatterjee, Sucheta Chatterjee, Abhirup Chakraborty, Chitrita Ch... Subject(s):
Causes of unsatisfactory surgery results of gunshot extremity arterial injuries Journal title: Хірургія України Authors: M. V. Shchepetov Subject(s):
TREATMENT PRINCIPLES İN SPINAL FRACTURES DUE TO GUNSHOT VVOUNDS Journal title: Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery Authors: Ali ŞEHİRÜOĞLU, Nevres AYDOĞAN, V. KIRDEMİR, S ATEŞALP Subject(s): Medicine, Surgery
SPİNAL INSTABİLİTY FOLLOWING GUNSHOT WOUNDS Journal title: Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery Authors: Haluk ÖZER, Ömer AKÇALI, Ayhan KOÇAK Subject(s): Medicine, Surgery
THE RESULTS OF EARLY SURGICAL MANAGEMENTFOR GUNSHOT WOUNDS OF THE SPINE Journal title: Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery Authors: Serkan BİLGİÇ, Yüksel YURTTAŞ, Hüseyin ÖZKAN, Mustafa KÜRKLÜ, Ömer ERŞEN, Ali ŞEHİRLİOĞLU Subject(s): Medicine, Surgery
Fracture of Collum Femoris Secondary to Gunshot Wound: A Lucky Patient Who Didn’t Have Any Additional Injury Journal title: European Archives of Medical Research Authors: Ersin Taşatan, Bülent Karslıoğlu, Ali Çağrı Tekin, Hakan Gürbüz Subject(s): Medicine
Misdiagnosed Injuries of Unusual Gunshot Wounds in the Clinical Forensic Practice Journal title: International Journal of Forensic Sciences Authors: Jakjovski Z*, Stankov A, Pavlovski G, Bitoljanu N, Srpanova VB, Cakar L and Janeska B Subject(s): Pathology and Forensics