Contributions to the knowledge of beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) in the Kaliningrad region. 2 Journal title: Baltic Journal of Coleopterology Authors: Vitaly I. Alekseev, Bukejs Bukejs Subject(s):
Multi-agent Based Charges subsystem for Supply Chain Logistics Journal title: International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Authors: Pankaj Rani , Dr. S Srinivasan Subject(s):
Veeh-harfa – nowa jakość w powszechnym życiu muzycznym Journal title: Ars inter Culturas Authors: Monika Zytke Subject(s):
Being A Grain Supervisor in The Ottoman State: The Example of Haji Ali of Sistova (1749-1755) Journal title: Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi Authors: Fadimeana FİDAN Subject(s):
Development of Real-Time condition Assessment method For Landing Pier-Type wharf Structure monitoring System Journal title: IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) Authors: ByungWan Jo, JunHo Jo, JungHoon Kim, Rana Muhammad Asad Khan, Manuscript draft Subject(s):
KAR'ÂN HARFLERİNİN SIFATLARI (SIFAT-I HURÛF) Journal title: Van İlahiyat Dergisi Authors: Cemil Küçük Subject(s):
Taberî’ye Yöneltilen Tenkitler Bağlamında Yedi Harf ve Kıraatleri Savunma Refleksi Journal title: Mütefekkir Authors: Necattin HANAY Subject(s): Social Sciences, Islam, Religion
Türkiye’deki Farklı Kıraat Anlayışlarıyla İlgili Değerlendirmeler Journal title: Mütefekkir Authors: Murat AKKUŞ, Ramazan AYDIN Subject(s): Social Sciences, Islam, Religion
TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ'NDE HARF İNKILÂBININ UYGULANMASI SÜRECİNDE KARŞILAŞILAN PROBLEMLERE YÖNELİK GENEL BİR DEĞERLENDİRME (1928-1958) Journal title: intoba - insan ve toplum bilimleri akademi dergisi Authors: Murat SORGU Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Education, Social Sciences
Review of the thoughts and ideas of Sultan Syed Ashraf Jahangir Samnani regarding his Prophet hood(In the light of Quran) سلطان سید اشرف جہانگیر سمنانیؒ کے نبوّت سےمتعلق افکار و نظریات کا جائزہ )قرآنِ مجید کی روشنی میں) Journal title: Al Bahis research journal of Islamic sciences Authors: Dr. Shakir Hussain Khan Visiting Teacher dept of Islamic Learning University of Karachi Subject(s): Social Sciences
TILSHUNOSLAR AHAMIYATIDAGI TINISH BELGILARINING DASTLABKI SHARHLARI Journal title: International education research Authors: Radjabov Ruslan Rajabmurodovich Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Economics, Education, Humanities, Philosophy, Psychology, Social Sciences, Sports and Recreation, Art History