Perception and Attitude of Parents Towards Aflatoxins Contamination in Complementary Foods and Its Management in Central Tanzania Journal title: The Journal of Middle East and North Africa Sciences Authors: Selestin J. Ngoma, Martin Kimanya, Bendantukuka Tiisekwa, Dismas Mwaseba Subject(s):
Applying the Health Belief Model Constructs to Determine Predictors of Dietary Behavior among High-School Students Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research Authors: Salahshouri Arash, Harooni Javad, Daniali Seyde Shahrbanoo, Pourhaji Fatemeh, Moradi Maryam, Sheida... Subject(s):
Investigating of Mothers' Behavior Based on the Health Belief Model about Using Iron Supplementation in 6 to 24- Month Old Children in Shahrekord City, Iran Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research Authors: Marziye Reisi, Masoome Alidosti, Elahe Tavassoli, Mehdi Kargar, Ziba Raeesi Dehkordi, Asghar Ashrafi... Subject(s):
A Comparative Survey the Effect of Education Based program on Health Belief Model for the Use Osteoporosis Preventive Behaviors of the Girl’s Osteoporotic and non-Osteoporotic Mothers Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: Zohrehkhoshnood ., Monireh Anoosheh, Easa Mohammadi, Ebrahim Haji Zadeh Subject(s):
Investigating Preventive Behaviors of Osteoporosis Using the Health Belief Model in Female Health volunteers in the Health Care Centers in Rasht Journal title: Journal of Research Development in Nursing & Midwifery Authors: N. Mokhtari Lakeh, L. Zarat Dakheliparast, E. Kazeminezhad Leili, M. Mahdavi -Roshan Subject(s):
APPLICATION OF HEALTH BELIEF MODEL ON FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO RELAPSE, FAILURE AND LOSS TO FOLLOW UP IN TUBERCULOSIS PATIENTS. Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) Authors: Puneet Kaur , Sukhpal Kaur , Amarjeet Singh and Sandhya Ghai. Subject(s):