Analysis of the training in thanatology of nursing students from the Federal University of Maranhao, Brazil Journal title: Investigación y Educacion en Enfermeria - Nursing Research and Education- Authors: Elba Mochel, Wildoberto Gurge, Anna Mochel, urea Farias Subject(s):
Formação de terapeutas comunitários na Paraíba: impacto na Estratégia Saúde da Família Journal title: Revista Eletronica de Enfermagem Authors: Mayra Araruna, Maria Filha, Lucineide Braga, Marina Moraes, Ianine Rocha Subject(s):
The preparation of community therapists in Paraíba: the effect on the Family Health Strategy Journal title: Revista Eletronica de Enfermagem Authors: Mayra Araruna, Maria Filha, Lucineide Braga, Marina Moraes, Ianine Rocha Subject(s):