TREATMENT OF ORAL LICHEN PLANUS LICHEN PLANUS WITH PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY Journal title: Nature & Science Authors: Jala Hasan Zeynalova, Gulnara Salam Mammedova, Gunel Mammad Sultanova , İrada Arif Mammedxanova , Se... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Medicine, Agricultural Science
CƏLİLABAD KADASTR RAYONUNUNDA TORPAQ TİPLƏRİNİN COĞRAFİ YAYILMASI VƏ APARILMIŞ İLKİN ÇÖL-TƏDQİQAT İŞLƏRİ Journal title: Nature & Science Authors: Nərmin Zakir qızı Nəcəfova Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Medicine, Agricultural Science
Machine Learning-Based Mobile Payment System for Empowering Low-Income Earners in India Journal title: Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applied Data Science (JISADS) Authors: Cleodine W Chiome, Abdul Basit Darem Subject(s): Computer and Information Science