Language Use, Violation of Medical Ethics and the Deterioration of Patient’s Ill-Health Journal title: Annals of Bioethics & Clinical Applications Authors: Nchekwube ON* Subject(s): Medical Ethics
Iraqi Children and Long Term Adverse Childhood Experiences, Mini Systemic Review Journal title: Public Health Open Access Authors: Ameel Farooq Al Shawi* Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine
Adhesiolysis in Women with Chronic Pelvic Pain and a Temporal Resolution of Pain Journal title: Women's Health Science Journal Authors: Barnes D* Subject(s): Health and Wellness
Epidemiological Study of Animal Bites and Rabies in Bandar Astara City in 2017 Journal title: International Journal of Zoology and Animal Biology Authors: Dehgorji NR, Adham D, Abazari M and Mordi Asl E* Subject(s): Zoology and Animal Science
Biological Suppression of Stored Grain Insect Pests Journal title: International Journal of Zoology and Animal Biology Authors: Deb S* Subject(s): Zoology and Animal Science
Elderly Suicide: A 5-Year Forensic Autopsy Analysis in the North of Portugal Journal title: International Journal of Forensic Sciences Authors: Baptista MJ*, Azevedo J, Mendes R, Relvas A, and Santos A Subject(s): Pathology and Forensics
The Scale of Evil – Interjudge Reliability and Associations with Predictor Variables Journal title: International Journal of Forensic Sciences Authors: Lindström E, Olausson M, Persson B, Tuninger E and Levander S* Subject(s): Pathology and Forensics
TANC: Rethinking Policy and Practice in Cold Case Journal title: International Journal of Forensic Sciences Authors: Kimmerle EH*, McAndrew TC and Markey J Subject(s): Pathology and Forensics
Brief Analysis on Violence against Children and Adolescents Journal title: Journal of Quality in Health Care & Economics (JQHE) Authors: Pericles Arruda D* Subject(s): Health Care Sciences & Services
The Plasticity of Organisms: Some Examples of the Adaptations of Small Vertebrates to Various Environments All Around the World Journal title: International Journal of Zoology and Animal Biology Authors: Exbrayat JM* Subject(s): Zoology and Animal Science
Sociology of the University and Sociology of Professions: Conceptual Articulation and Current Issues Journal title: Prohominum Authors: José Luis Fliguer Subject(s): Business Administration, Economics, Education, Humanities, Law, Philosophy, Psychology, Social Sciences, Communication
Feminicide and the determination of the normative element "woman in her condition as such": review and proposal on article 4.3 of the 108 B del Código Penal Peruano Journal title: Prohominum Authors: Mirian Margot Umbo Ruiz1 Subject(s): Business Administration, Economics, Education, Humanities, Law, Philosophy, Psychology, Social Sciences, Communication
On the Evolution of Thermoregulation Journal title: Ergonomics International Journal Authors: Palella BI*, d’Ambrosio Alfano FR and Riccio G Subject(s): Ergonomics
Is there a Correlation between being involved in an Accident Journal title: Ergonomics International Journal Authors: Salminen S* Subject(s): Ergonomics
Women who are Victims of Physical Violence in Dakar: Description and Difficulties of Care Journal title: International Journal of Forensic Sciences Authors: Ndoye EHO*, Dia AS, Diallo AM, Badiane SM and Soumah MM Subject(s): Pathology and Forensics