End of Life Physical Problems of Patients

Journal title: International Journal of Research in Social Sciences

Authors: N.K.Nikhil And Dr.Santha S.

Subject(s): Economics, Education, Law, Linguistics, History , Anthropology, Geography

Equity of Health Care Financing: An Application to Iran

Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences

Authors: Alireza Moradi| Faculty Member of Economics Department, Islamic Azad University - Kermanshah Branch,...

Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine

The Later Wittgenstein, Forms of Life and Religious Belief

Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences

Authors: Abdolrahim Fatemi*| Payame Noor University (PNU), IR-55135-469 Daneshgah Street, Ardebil, Iran, Afla...

Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine

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