Blood lipids of pigs fed peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) and synthetic lysine Journal title: Revista MVZ Cordoba Authors: Janeth Colina R, Ph.D *| Universidad Central de Venezuela.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias.Correspo... Subject(s): Medicine, Agricultural Science, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Biomedical Engineering
Oxidized lipids intake: effect on antioxidative enzimatic activity in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) Journal title: Revista MVZ Cordoba Authors: Jorge Zambrano N, Zoot *| Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zo... Subject(s): Medicine, Agricultural Science, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Biomedical Engineering
Steatosis in donkey (Equus asinus). First report in Colombia Journal title: Revista MVZ Cordoba Authors: José Cardona Á, M.Sc *| Universidad de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Depart... Subject(s): Medicine, Agricultural Science, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Biomedical Engineering
Effect of cholesterol and dimethiyl-formamide on post-thawing parameters in Colombian creole stallion sperm Journal title: Revista MVZ Cordoba Authors: Ana M Mesa, M.Sc. *| Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín, Facultad de Ciencias, Maestría... Subject(s): Medicine, Agricultural Science, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Biomedical Engineering
Snake report of the municipality of Tamalameque, Cesar – Colombia Journal title: Revista MVZ Cordoba Authors: Oscar Ruiz P, Biólogo *| Gobernación del Cesar. Secretaria de Educación Departamental. Institución E... Subject(s): Medicine, Agricultural Science, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Biomedical Engineering
Collection and evaluation of semen from the Capybara Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris Journal title: Revista MVZ Cordoba Authors: José Rodríguez P, M.Sc| Universidad de los Llanos, Escuela de Ciencias Animales. Grupo de Investigac... Subject(s): Medicine, Agricultural Science, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Biomedical Engineering
Production of monoclonal antibodies against cysteine protease 5 of Entamoeba histolytica Journal title: Revista MVZ Cordoba Authors: Juanita Trejos S, M.Sc| Universidad del Quindío. Facultad Ciencias de la Salud. Grupo Inmunología Mo... Subject(s): Medicine, Agricultural Science, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Biomedical Engineering
Entrance of parrots to the center of attention of wildlife (CAV-CVS), during the years 2007-2009 Journal title: Revista MVZ Cordoba Authors: Juan Carrascal V, M.Sc *| Universidad de Córdoba, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Depa... Subject(s): Medicine, Agricultural Science, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Biomedical Engineering
Productive performance and carcass yield of turkey fed feather meal treated with NaOH Journal title: Revista MVZ Cordoba Authors: Enrique Loyra T, M.Sc| Universidad de Yucatán, Campus de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, Depart... Subject(s): Medicine, Agricultural Science, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Biomedical Engineering
Biogeographical affinities of Colombian Caribbean and Pacific galateoids (Decapoda: Anomura) Journal title: Revista MVZ Cordoba Authors: Gabriel R. Navas S, Ph.D *| Universidad de Cartagena, Programa de Biología, Cartagena, Colombia.Corr... Subject(s): Medicine, Agricultural Science, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Biomedical Engineering
Clinical and histopathology evaluation of cutaneous Pythiosis in calves the department of Cordoba, Colombia Journal title: Revista MVZ Cordoba Authors: José Cardona Á, M.Sc *| Universidad de Córdoba, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, Profesor de Medici... Subject(s): Medicine, Agricultural Science, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Biomedical Engineering
Laparoscopic cryptorchidectomy in two dogs using ultrasonic scalpel Journal title: Revista MVZ Cordoba Authors: Carlos Hernández L, M.Sc *| Universidad CES, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Grupo de... Subject(s): Medicine, Agricultural Science, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Biomedical Engineering
Goat milk fatty acid composition in the Peninsula of Baja California, Mexico Journal title: Revista MVZ Cordoba Authors: Eduardo Toyes-Vargas, M.Sc| Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, La Paz, Baja Californ... Subject(s): Medicine, Agricultural Science, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Biomedical Engineering
Infection frequency of gastrointestinal nematode in goats and sheep of five municipalities in Antioquia Journal title: Revista MVZ Cordoba Authors: Liseth Herrera O, Microb| Universidad de Antioquia, Escuela de Microbiología, Grupo de Investigación... Subject(s): Medicine, Agricultural Science, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Biomedical Engineering
Single dose of secnidazole treatment against naturally occuring Giardia duodenalis infection in Sakiz lambs Journal title: Revista MVZ Cordoba Authors: Kerem Ural, Ph.D *| University of Adnan Menderes, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veteri... Subject(s): Medicine, Agricultural Science, Biotechnology, Cellular Biology, Biomedical Engineering