The Sufism Thoughts of Imam al-Shafi’i: A Critical Analysis from the Diwan al-Shafi'i Journal title: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences Authors: Najihah Abd Wahid, Omar ., S.H. S, Anas Mohd Yunus, Fadzli Adam, Nor Hafizah Abdullah Subject(s):
Uluslararası İmam Mâturîdî: Kayıp Aydınlanmanın İzinde Çalıştayı (25–27 Ekim 2018, Ankara) Hakkında Journal title: Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi Authors: Tuğba Öztürk Subject(s):
A Forum of Scholars’ Oversights; Imam al-Suyuti’s Attitudes in Facing the Khilaf Journal title: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences Authors: Rohaizan Baru, Abdul Rahman Omar, Idri M. Ag Subject(s):
The Concept of Worship towards Sheikh Journal title: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences Authors: Akila Mamat, Aminudin Basir @ Ahmad, Shumsudin Yabi Subject(s):
Al-Ghazali’s thought on Ethics of Living in the Society Based on Bidayah Al-Hidayah Journal title: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences Authors: Mohd Fauzi Hamat, Mohd Hasrul Shuhari Subject(s):
Some Reflections on the Critical Edition and Turkish Transla-tion of Kitāb al-Tawḥīd by Imām al-Māturīdī Journal title: Mütefekkir Authors: Tahir ULUÇ Subject(s): Social Sciences, Islam, Religion
Kitâbu’t-Tevhîd’in Tahkikli Neşri ve Açıklamalı Tercümesi’ne Dair Bazı Mülâhazalar Journal title: Mütefekkir Authors: Tahir ULUÇ Subject(s): Social Sciences, Islam, Religion
Village Institues and Imam Hatip Schools in the Context of Political and Ideological Approaches to Education Journal title: Mütefekkir Authors: Sümeyra BİLECİK Subject(s): Social Sciences, Islam, Religion
Eğitime Siyasi ve İdeolojik Yaklaşımlar Bağlamında Köy Enstitüleri ve İmam Hatip Okulları Journal title: Mütefekkir Authors: Sümeyra BİLECİK Subject(s): Social Sciences, Islam, Religion
Political thought of Al-Imam Al-Syaukaniy in the Tafseer book "Fathul Qadir" Journal title: Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries Authors: Ahmad Fahmy Arief Subject(s):
EPIDEMIOLOGY AND MORTALITY OF BURNS IN IMAM ALI AND AL-KINDI TEACHING HOSPITAL IN BAGHDAD/ IRAQ Journal title: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Authors: Dr. Ahmed Alaa Jalil Subject(s):
Enhancing the Quality of Life in Historical Contexts with an Emphasis on Urban Regeneration Approach (Case Study: Imam Ali Square in Isfahan and its Surrounding Texture) Journal title: International Journal of Applied Arts Studies Authors: Sara Eshaghi, Saeedeh Moayedfar, Ahmad Esteghlal Subject(s):
Rupture of Unsacred Uterus in a Primipara (A Case Report) Journal title: Open Access Journal of Reproductive System and Sexual Disorders Authors: Hisham Hussein Imam Subject(s):
The Westernization and Colonization of the African Mind through the Media Journal title: In Medias Res Authors: Glorija Mavrinac Subject(s):
Equality before the law from Imam Ali’s viewpoint Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Science Authors: Hamid Reza Salehi Subject(s):