The Pursuit of Social Change in Nigeria: The Language Education Alternative Journal title: Journal of Education and Literature Authors: Oladotun Opeoluwa Olagbaju Subject(s): Education, Literature
Bridging Understanding in Medicare: Template for Effective Communication in Indigenous Languages Journal title: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Authors: Subject(s):
Perception of Youths on the Use of Indigenous Languages in Nigerian Home Videos Journal title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Authors: Ajaegbu, Oguchi O, Ajaegbu Chigozirim, Atakele, Ofejiro P, Olatunbosun Wasiu A Subject(s):
The New Curriculum of Education in Kenya: A Linguistic and Education Paradigm Shift Journal title: IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science Authors: Lillian Kaviti PhD Subject(s):
Languages of Education in Nigeria: Extent of Implementation in the (UBE) Schools in Ebonyi State Journal title: International Journal of Educational Methodology Authors: Adaobi F. Okonkwo Subject(s): Education
LOCAL LANGUAGES AS MEDIUMS OF INSTRUCTION FOR SCIENCE TEACHING AND LEARNING: SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS Journal title: Educational Research International Authors: Admire Mhindu, Christmas Denhere Subject(s):