The Industrial Policy of Regulating the Processes of Accelerated Greening of the Industrial Activities of Iron and Steel Enterprises in Ukraine Journal title: Проблеми економіки Authors: Kostyantyn Denysov, Dmitry Babmindra Subject(s):
SMELTING INDUSTRY IN THE SECOND REPUBLIC Journal title: Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace Authors: Anna Jarosz-Nojszewska Subject(s):
Work Related Injuries and Some Associated Risk Factors among Workers in Iron and Steel Industry Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: Jain Akanksha A, Aswar Nandkeshav R, Kale Kalpana M, Doibale Mohan K Subject(s):
The Effect of Production Process Management on Quality Control in The Iron and Steel Industry in Libya Journal title: American Journal of Economics and Business Innovation (AJEBI) Authors: Omer Ibrahim Azouza Khairi Ahmed R. Masaud Subject(s): Economics, International Business
The Effect of Strategic Planning on Quality Control in The Iron and Steel Industry in Libya Journal title: American Journal of Economics and Business Innovation (AJEBI) Authors: Omar Ibrahim Azouza, Khairi Ahmed R. Masaud Subject(s): Economics, International Business
Analysis and prospects of air pollution control techniques in the iron and steel industry Journal title: Energy Environmental Protection Authors: WANG Lanying|The Administrative Center for Chinas Agenda 21, China, Subject(s): Energy, Environmental Protection
Research progress in low carbon smelting technology of blast furnace gas cycle coupling carbon capture Journal title: Energy Environmental Protection Authors: XU Wenqing|Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science, China, FU Le|Institute of P... Subject(s): Energy, Environmental Protection