Early Kimmeridgian oolitic sedimentary cycle in the Wierzbica quarry, NE margin ot the Holy Cross Mts, Poland Journal title: Volumina Jurassica Authors: Jacek GUTOWSKI Subject(s):
Oolitowy cykl sedymentacyjny wczesnego kimerydu w profilu Wierzbicy koło Radomia Journal title: Volumina Jurassica Authors: Jacek GUTOWSKI Subject(s):
[b]Ammonites and ammonite stratigraphy of the Bimammatum Zone and lowermost Planula Zone (Submediterranean Upper Oxfordian) at Bobrowniki and Raciszyn in the Wieluń Upland, central Poland[/b] Journal title: Volumina Jurassica Authors: Andrzej WIERZBOWSKI, Ewa GŁOWNIAK, Krzysztof PIETRAS Subject(s):
The Lower Kimmeridgian of the Wieluń Upland and adjoining regions in central Poland: lithostratigraphy, ammonite stratigraphy (upper Planula/Platynota to Divisum zones), palaeogeography and climate-controlled cycles Journal title: Volumina Jurassica Authors: Andrzej WIERZBOWSKI Subject(s):