Routing and Security Issues for Trust Based Framework inMobile Ad Hoc Networks Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: Mukesh Kumar Garg , Neeta Singh Subject(s):
PPCLSS: Probabilistic Prediction Coefficient Link Stability Scheme based Routing in MANETs Journal title: International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology Authors: Deva Priya. M , Priyanka. P Subject(s):
Enhancing the security and routing reliability for achieving efficient data transmission in mobile Ad Hoc Networks Journal title: International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology Authors: GATETE MARCEL , Dr. N. Vetrivelan Subject(s):
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF DSR USING A NOVEL APPROACH Journal title: International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Authors: Prof.S.P. Setti , Narasimha Raju K , Naresh Kumar K Subject(s):
Global Cluster Cooperation Strategy in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Journal title: International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Authors: Naveen Chauhan , Lalit K. Awasthi , Narottam Chand , R.C. Joshi , Manoj Misra Subject(s):
Enhancing Route Quality In MANET Using Linear Optimization Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology(IJARCET) Authors: Sujatha P.Terdal , Veeranna Gatate Subject(s):
QOS AWARE BANDWIDTH CONSTRAINED PRECEDENCE BASED ROUTING PROTOCOL FOR MOBILE AD-HOC NETWORKS Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: Mukesh Kalla Subject(s):
Multi-constrained QoS Multicast Routing based on the Genetic Algorithm for MANETs Journal title: International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Authors: G. Santhi , Alamelu Nachiappan Subject(s):
An Overview of MANETs: Issues and Security Solutions Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGY Authors: Lohit Kumar , Vishali Sharma Subject(s):
A Survey on Enhancing Routing using NCPR in Mobile Ad hoc Networks Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: Smita S Shrimandal; , Ranjana B Nadagoudar; , Rekha B Venkatapur Subject(s):
Security Issues in MANET: A Review Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: Pulkit Berwal Subject(s):
Pause Time Optimal Setting for AODV Protocol on RPGM Mobility Model in MANETs Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Sayid Mohamed Abdule , Suhaidi Hassan , Osman Ghazali , Mohammed M. Kadhum Subject(s):
A cross layer Design to Enhance Throughput for Multimedia Streaming over Mobile Ad hoc Networks Journal title: International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Authors: N.Gomathi , Dr.P.Seethalakshmi , Dr.A.Govardhan Subject(s):
Survey of Routing Algorithms for MANETs Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: E.Sivajothi Subject(s):
TGRP: A New Hybrid Grid-based Routing Approach for Manets Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Hussein Al-Maqbali, Mohamed Ould-Khaoua, Khaled Day, Abderezak Touzene, Nasser Alzeidi Subject(s):