Selected indices of peritoneal fibrosis in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Józef Penar, Wacław Weyde, Magdalena Krajewska, Katarzyna Madziarska, Tomasz Gołębiowski, Macie... Subject(s): Medicine
Wybrane wskaźniki włóknienia otrzewnej u chorych w programach dializy otrzewnowej Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Józef Penar, Wacław Weyde, Magdalena Krajewska, Katarzyna Madziarska, Tomasz Gołębiowski, Macie... Subject(s): Medicine
Diagnostic Utility of Epithelial Membrane Antigen (EMA) and Calretinin (CAL) in Effusion Cytology Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Neha Nautiyal, Aparna Bhardwaj, Seema Acharya, Sanjeev Kishore, Sandip Kudesia Subject(s):
A Cytological Study to Differentiate Between Reactive Mesothelial Cells and Malignant Cells in Effusions Journal title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Authors: T. Bharath 1T, Satya Prakash Venkatachalam2 Subject(s):
Cytological Study of Pleural Cavity Effusions in a Tertiary Care Hospital Journal title: Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice Authors: S.V. Suvernakar Subject(s):
Diagnostic Utility of Body Fluid Cytology Journal title: Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice Authors: Arpana Dharwadkar Subject(s):