Underwater Noise Pollution at the Strait of Istanbul (Bosphorus) Journal title: International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics Authors: Cem GAZİOĞLU, Volkan Okutan Subject(s):
Kılavuzluk Hizmetlerinin Deniz Emniyetine Katkısı: İstanbul Boğazı’nda Kazaya Karışan Gemiler İle Kılavuz Kaptan Almaları Arasındaki İlişkinin Analizi Journal title: Journal of ETA Maritime Science Authors: Nur Jale ECE Subject(s):
Multiple Biliary Hamartomas, The ‘‘Von Meyenburg Complexes’’ Journal title: Annals of Hepatology Authors: Joel O. Jáquez-Quintana, Erick A. Reyes-Cabello, Francisco J. Bosques-Padilla Subject(s):
THE CREDIT SUPPORT OF BUSINESS ENTITIES IN UKRAINE Journal title: Экономика и финансы Authors: S.O. Kushnir Subject(s):
Waardenburg Syndrome – A Case Report Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr Shabana Borate Subject(s):
Modern Features of Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome in the Central Orenburg Region Journal title: Актуальна інфектологія Authors: D.I. Sankov, O.H. Korneev, O.S. Pankov, R.М. Aminev Subject(s):
SPECTRUM OF CHRONIC VENOUS INSUFFICIENCY OF LOWER LIMBS- A KATURI PERSPECTIVE Journal title: Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare Authors: Sudanagunta Venkata Subba Rao, Akkenapragada Sai Datta, Dharanikota Anvesh Subject(s):
Rozdział własnościowy przedsiębiorstw energetycznych zintegrowanych pionowo a problematyka inwestorów finansowych w świetle przepisów dyrektywy 2009/72/WE Journal title: internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny Authors: Mateusz Radziński Subject(s):
CLINICAL CASE STUDY OF VARICOSE VEINS Journal title: Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare Authors: Vijaykumar Huded, Sibaprasad Dash, Das S. K, Subhabrata Das, Ramanarayan Sahu, Sulata Choudhury, Sub... Subject(s):
Thermodynamic Properties of Unburned Reactant Mixtures for Different Kind of Fuels Journal title: Journal of ETA Maritime Science Authors: Hasan Kayhan KAYADELEN Subject(s):
Distribution of Hepatitis C Virus Genotypes in the Region of İstanbul Northern Anatolian Association of Public Hospitals Journal title: Viral Hepatitis Journal Authors: Ülkü ORAL ZEYTİNLİ, Fatma MUHTEREM YÜCEL, Şölen DALDABAN DİNÇER, Özgür YANILMAZ, Sebahat AKSARAY, Ka... Subject(s):
Seroepidemiology of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in İstanbul: A 20-year Survey Journal title: Viral Hepatitis Journal Authors: Yavuz FURUNCUOĞLU, Filiz SAĞLAM, Filiz Füsun BÖLÜKBAŞ, Cengiz BÖLÜKBAŞ, Recep ÖZTÜRK Subject(s):
Must Time Have a Beginning? Journal title: Dini Araştırmalar -Altı Aylık Bilimsel Dergi- Authors: Zikri Yavuz Subject(s):