Walking in Balance: Native American Recovery Programmes Journal title: Religions Authors: Suzanne Owen Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Marketing Missions: Material Culture, Theological Convictions, and Empire in 18th-Century Christian Philanthropy Journal title: Religions Authors: Philippa Koch Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
NATIVE AMERICAN PERSPECTIVE IN LINDA HOGAN’S MEAN SPIRIT Journal title: International journal of research -GRANTHAALAYAH Authors: Subject(s):
THE CORRELATION BETWEEN THE BODY AND SPACE IN LOUISE ERDRICH’S «THE ANTELOPE WIFE» Journal title: Наукові праці. Серія "Філологія. Літературознавство" Authors: S. Kot Subject(s):
ОБРАЗ ХЕЙОКИ-СВЯЩЕННОГО КЛОУНА У РОМАНІ «ТАНЦІВНИК ПО ТРАВІ» СЮЗАН ПАУВЕР Journal title: Сучасні літературознавчі студії Authors: Оксана ШОСТАК Subject(s):
Terytorium rezu. Symbolika oraz kulturowe konteksty krajobrazu indiańskiego rezerwatu we współczesnym północnoamerykańskim kinie i komiksie Journal title: Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Cultura Authors: Magdalena Kempna-Pieniążek Subject(s):
Haunting Transcendentalist Landscapes: EcoGothic Politics in Margaret Fuller’s Summer on the Lakes Journal title: Text Matters. A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture Authors: Monika Elbert Subject(s):
Exercise Intervention Improves the Metabolic Profile and Body Composition of Southwestern American Indian Adolescents Journal title: Journal of Diabetes and Obesity Authors: Vallabh Shah Subject(s):
Philosophical ideas of Roger Williams in the treatise “A Key into the Language of America” Journal title: Future Human Image Authors: Yaroslav Sobolievskyi Subject(s):
SPACE AS NATIONAL IDENTITY NARRATIVE IN PUSHING THE BEAR. A NOVEL OF TRAIL OF TEARS BY DIANE GLANCY Journal title: Закарпатські філологічні студії Authors: О.Г. Шостак Subject(s):
The Multiple Narrative Traditions in Native American Literature Journal title: International Journal of English and Literature (IJEL) Authors: Lalrinchhani Lalrinchhani Subject(s):
TRANSCULTURAL REPRESENTATIONS OF THE TRAVEL MOTIVE IN LOUISE ERDRICH’S LAROSE Journal title: Наукові праці. Серія "Філологія. Літературознавство" Authors: S. Kot Subject(s):
Examining the Gathering of Nations Powwow and a NCCA Division I basketball game Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Steven Aicinena, Sebahattin Ziyanak Subject(s):
Polymorphous Solar Eruption and its Association with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Journal title: International Journal Of Medical Science And Clinical Research Studies Authors: Martha Paulina Ornelas-Villalobos, Diana Laura Núñez Arriaga, José Oswaldo Pérez Ruelas, Mariana Rue... Subject(s): Medicine