A Cross Sectional Descriptive Study of Non-Venereal Dermatoses Affecting the Male and Female Genitalia at A Tertiary Care Hospital of South India Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: Dipali Rathod, Suma Gudi Subject(s):
A Clinical Study of Non Venereal Genital Dermatoses of Adult in a Tertiary Care Center Journal title: International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research Authors: Geeta Shinde, Sanjay Popere Subject(s):
CLINICO-PATHOLOGICAL STUDY OF NON-VENEREAL GENITAL DERMATOSES Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Kurimila Narasimha Prasad, Vangali Srikanth Reddy, Boppani Praveen Kumar, Prasad JVDS Subject(s):