Pelvik fraktürün eşlik etmediği yüksek enerjili künt travmaya bağlı ekstraperitoneal mesane rüptürü: iki olgunun bildirimi Journal title: Anatolian Journal of Emergency Medicine Authors: Haldun Akoğlu, Ömer Faruk Çelik, Serkan Emre Eroğlu, Özge Onur, Arzu Denizbaşı Subject(s): Medicine, Emergency Medicine
PROF. ALİ FAHİR ÖZER, M.D. Journal title: Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery Authors: Onur YAMAN Subject(s): Medicine, Surgery
Hastanemiz Çocuk acil servisine farmakolojik ajanlar alımı sonrası zehirlenme şikayeti ile başvuran hastaların sosyo-demografik, klinik ve laboratuvar özelliklerinin irdelenmesi Journal title: Health Sciences Journal of Adıyaman University Authors: Kasım Özarslan, Çapan Konca, Mehmet Tekin Subject(s): Medicine, Health Care Sciences & Services
Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Yeme Tutumu Ve Yeme Tutumuna Etki Eden Faktörler Journal title: Health Sciences Journal of Adıyaman University Authors: Safiye ÖZVURMAZ, Aliye MANDIRACIOĞLU, Emel LÜLECİ Subject(s): Medicine, Health Care Sciences & Services
The Study of the Destruction Process of Frozen and Thawing Soils Exposed to the Skidding System Journal title: Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) Authors: S.E. Rudov, V.Ya. Shapiro, I.V. Grigorev, O.A. Kunitskaya, O.I. Grigoreva Subject(s): Technology, Forestry
Changes in the Physical Properties of Segregational Chernozems in Agroforest Landscapes of the Central Chernozem Region Journal title: Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) Authors: V.I. Turusov, Yu.I. Cheverdin, V.A. Bespalov, T.V. Titova Subject(s): Technology, Forestry
A Predictive Model of the Impact of the Skidding System on Forest Soil in Severe Climatic Conditions Journal title: Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) Authors: S.E. Rudov, V.Ya. Shapiro, I.V. Grigorev, O.A. Kunitskaya, O.I. Grigoreva Subject(s): Technology, Forestry
Comparison of intramuscular versus subcutaneous aqueous progesterone for luteal phase support in artificially prepared frozen embryo transfer cycles Journal title: Turkish Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Authors: Emre Niyazi Turgut, Fazilet Kübra Boynukalın, Meral Gültomruk, Zalihe Yarkıner, Mustafa Bahçeci Subject(s): Medicine, Obstetrics
Comparison and Analyses of Intraoperative Consultation and Paraffin Section Responses of Ovarian Lesions Journal title: Journal of Academic Research in Medicine Authors: Elife Kımıloğlu, İrem Yanık, Özgecan Gündoğar, Sibel Bektaş, Süleyman Salman Subject(s): Medicine, General Medicine
Ecological and Agrochemical Assessment of the Kamennaya Steppe Soils under Forest Cenosi Journal title: Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) Authors: Yuriy I. Cheverdin, Doctor of Biology; ResearcherID: AAZ-6497-2020, ORCID: Subject(s): Technology, Forestry
Aile İçi ve Aile Dışı Cinayet İşlemiş Faillerin Kişilik Yapılarının Karşılaştırılması Journal title: Yeni Yuzyil Journal of Medical Sciences Authors: Rakel ROZANT, İrem AKDUMAN, Gökhan ORAL Subject(s): Medicine, Psychology, Miscellaneous
Özel Gereksinimli Çalışanların Çalışma Duruşlarının REBA ve RULA Yöntemleri ile İncelenmesi Journal title: Yeni Yuzyil Journal of Medical Sciences Authors: Öyküm AKAR, Beyrul CANBAZ Subject(s): Medicine, Psychology, Miscellaneous
Khalkedon'dan Kolkhis'e: Argonautları Keşfetmeye Yönelik Bir Tur Önerisi/ From Chalcedon to Colchis: A Tour Proposal to Discover the Argonauts Journal title: Turist Rehberliği Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi (TURNAD) Authors: Nuray YILDIZ, Vedat ACAR Subject(s): Archaeology, Art History , Tourism and Hospitality, Technology
KİŞİSEL VERİ KORUMA HUKUKUNUN KİŞİLİK HAKKININ KORUNMASI ÇERÇEVESİNDE DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ Journal title: Ankara Sosyal Bilimler Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi Authors: Rabia ÖZKAN Subject(s): Law
Soil Characteristics of Embryozems under Cover of Pine Plantations on Technogenic Residual Rocks of Kuzbass Journal title: Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) Authors: E.Yu. Kolmogorova, V.I. Ufimtsev Subject(s): Technology, Forestry