An Unusual Case of Recurrent Pyocolpos Following Midtrimester Miscarriage Revealed as Obstructed Hemivagina with Ipsilateral Renal Agenesis (OHVIRA) Syndrome Journal title: Global Journal of Medical and Clinical Case Reports Authors: Madhusudan Haldar, Shyamal Dasgupta, Shamim Khandaker, Shabana Munshi, Nabojibon Mondal, Sudhir Adhi... Subject(s):
Radio-diagnosis of Herlyn Werner Wunderlich Syndrome a rare case of urogenital abnormality Journal title: International Archives of Integrated Medicine Authors: Krithika S, Gurubharath I, Harshavardhan B, Dr. Baary Subject(s):
Fetal magnetic resonance imaging is a useful modality for prenatal diagnosis of obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly syndrome Journal title: Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology Authors: M. Mayumi, H. Hamada, T. Satoh, Y.O. Tanaka, K. Masumoto Subject(s):