PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA IN CHRONIC SUPPURATIVE OTITIS MEDIA- A DRUGSENSITIVITY STUDY Journal title: Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare Authors: Anoop P, Umarani G, Anvita Nimmagudda, Mohammad Naseeruddin, Khusro Nizam Zameer, Nowsheen Hamdani Subject(s):
The systematic Review of Quinolones Resistance of Escherichia coli Isolated from Urinary Tract Infections in Iran over the Last Ten Years (2001-2011) Journal title: Annual Research & Review in Biology Authors: Alisha Akya, Farid Najafi, Nasrollah Sohrabi, Siavash Vaziri, Faizolah Mansouri, Mohsen Azizi, Farid... Subject(s):
Levofloxacin-induced visual hallucinations: A case report and review of the literature Journal title: Journal of Health and Social Sciences Authors: Valentina Raffaelli, Giulia Cantoni, Gabriella Nucera, Pietro Marino Subject(s):
Epidemiological and Clinical Features of Salmonella Typhi Infection Among Adult Patients in Qatar: A Hospital-based Study Journal title: Oman Medical Journal Authors: Hasan Ahmedullah, Fahmi Yousef Khan, Muna Al Maslamani, Hussam Al Soub, Kadavil Chacko, Mohammed Abu... Subject(s):
Effect of AcrAB Efflux Pump on Ciprofloxacin Resistance Rate in Escherichia coli Isolates Journal title: مجله علمی- پژوهشی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی قم Authors: Alisha Alisha, roya roya, azam azam Subject(s):
Assessment of efficacy of Topical ofloxacin compared with gentamicin in the treatment of external ocular infection: a comparative study Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr Niladri Saha Subject(s):
Effects of Marbofloxacin and Ketoprofen on Some Biochemical and Coagulation Parameters in Calves Journal title: Journal of Applied Veterinary Sciences Authors: Mehmet Nihat URAL and Kamil ÜNEY Subject(s): Veterinary Sciences