LIEUTENANT COLONEL JÓZEF OLSZYNA-WILCZYŃSKI IN LATVIAN CAMPAIGN (DECEMBER 1919 – FEBRUARY 1920) Journal title: Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces Authors: Waldemar JASKULSKI Subject(s):
PODPUŁKOWNIK JÓZEF KONSTANTY OLSZYNA-WILCZYŃSKI W KAMPANII ŁOTEWSKIEJ (GRUDZIEŃ 1919 – LUTY 1920 ROKU) Journal title: Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces Authors: Waldemar JASKULSKI Subject(s):
An antropogenical conditions of floods in the Olszyna urban-rural municipality Journal title: Acta Scientarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum Authors: Zbigniew Piepiora, Paweł Stadnicki Subject(s): Law, Geography, Geosciences, Management