Geometrical Modeling of Extruder Screws Utilizing the Characteristic Product Features Method in CAD

Journal title: Journal of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Authors: Nikola Vitkovic, Miodrag Manic, Sasa Randjelovic, Nikola Korunovic, Rajko Turudija, Aleksandar Trajko...

Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Production, Operation and Manufacturing Management, Operating Systems, Industrial Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary, Operations Research & Management Science, Technology - Production engineering

PCA-DEA Model for Efficiency Assessment of Transportation Company

Journal title: Journal of Intelligent Management Decision

Authors: Medina Taletović, Siniša Sremac

Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Management Information Systems, Management and Strategy, Production, Operation and Manufacturing Management, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence

Dynamic Simulation of Differential Driving Cargo Transport Vehicle

Journal title: Journal of Intelligent Management Decision

Authors: Senlin Liu, Yu Wang

Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Management Information Systems, Management and Strategy, Production, Operation and Manufacturing Management, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence

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