Pharmacognostical & Pharmaceutical Evaluation of Apamarga Mula Yonivarti Journal title: International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Authors: Yadav Rachana, Dei Laxmipriya, Harisha C.R, Shukla V.J Subject(s):
DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF RP-HPLC METHOD FOR ZIPRASIDONE HYDROCHLORIDE MONOHYDRATE Journal title: International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research Authors: Abhay R. Shirode, Arpita P. Nath, Vilasrao J. Kadam Subject(s):
Mejora del rendimiento sostenible a través de las prácticas de gestión de la cadena de suministro verde: un estudio de empresas manufactureras de Malasia Journal title: Religación. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Authors: Rohani Abdullah, Marini Nurbanum Mohamad, Ramayah Thurasamy Subject(s):
Melhorando o Desempenho Sustentável através de Práticas de Gerenciamento da Cadeia de Suprimento Verde: Um Estudo das Empresas de Manufatura da Malásia Journal title: Religación. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Authors: Rohani Abdullah, Marini Nurbanum Mohamad, Ramayah Thurasamy Subject(s):
SUPRASCAPULAR NOTCH AND ITS ANATOMICAL VARIANTS Journal title: IJSR-International Journal Of Scientific Research Authors: Dr Nowsheeba Khurshid, Dr Manmeet Kaur Subject(s):
Na przełomie medialnych epok. 25 lat „Gościa Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskiego” Journal title: Rocznik Skrzatuski Authors: Wojciech Parfianowicz Subject(s):
Od Islandii po Brazylię. Reportaż zagraniczny w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym – autorzy, konwencje, tematy Journal title: Tekstualia Authors: Paweł Sobczak Subject(s):
Geochemistry and tectonic signifi cance of the ophiolitic rocks of the Yarpuz-Kaypak (Amanoslar, Osmaniye) area Journal title: Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration Authors: Tamer RIZAOĞLU, Utku BAĞCI, Osman PARLAK Subject(s):
A Soft- Computing Approach for Multi Criteria Project Selection Problem with Grey Number Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY Authors: TULI BAKSHI, BIJAN SARKAR, SUBIR KUMAR SANYAL Subject(s):
AN OVERVIEW OF SWARNPRASHANA Journal title: World Journal of Pharmaceutical and life sciences Authors: Dr. Shakambhri Sharma Subject(s):
Evaluation of Toyserkan City's Water Contamination, due to The Existence of Radon, and Estimation of The Annual Effective Dose Journal title: JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN PHYSICS Authors: Hamid Reza Samadi Subject(s):
Metalurgia proszków w Sieci Badawczej Łukasiewicz – Instytucie Obróbki Plastycznej. Powder metallurgy in Łukasiewicz Research Network – Metal Forming Institute. Journal title: Obróbka Plastyczna Metali Authors: Dariusz Garbiec, Volf Leshchynsky, Tomasz Wiśniewski, Rafał Rubach, Maria Wiśniewska Subject(s):
Obraz wyborów kontraktowych w Polsce na łamach prasy dla kobiet Journal title: Czasopismo Naukowe Instytutu Studiów Kobiecych Authors: Anna Szwed-Walczak Subject(s):
A Comparative Study of the Uttara Basti and Matra Basti with Bala Taila in Prasramsini Yonvyapada W.S.R. to Utero-Vaginal Prolapse Journal title: International Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJMPS) Authors: Dr. Swati Kimothi, Dr. Pravesh Tomar, Dr. Gyanendra Dutta Shukla Subject(s):
[Punkt widzenia a prasa codzienna na przełomie XIX I XX wieku] Journal title: Prace Filologiczne. Literaturoznawstwo Authors: Przemysław Pietrzak Subject(s):