Ligninolytic Enzymes for Application in Treatment of Effluent from Pulp and Paper Industries Journal title: Universal Journal of Environmental Research and Technology Authors: Lipin Dev Mundur Sahadevan, Chandra Shekhar Misra, and Thankamani V. Subject(s): Environmental Sciences
Agro-Potentiality of Treated Paperboard Mill Effluent Along with Organic Amendments on Growth and Yield Characteristics of Okra Journal title: Advances in Research Authors: Karthika Velusamy, C. Udayasoorian Subject(s):
Bioremedial Approch to Degrade Physico-Chemical Characteristics by Indigenous Microbes in Paper and Pulp Industry Journal title: International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Technology (IJIET) Authors: Dhruv Mishra, Sonikasaxen Sonikasaxen, Baby Sharma, Sudiptiarora Sudiptiarora Subject(s):