THE RORSCHACH TEST IN CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS AND CROSS-CULTURAL RESEARCH Journal title: Psychiatria i Psychoterapia Authors: Ewa Waszkiewicz, Kornelia Zakrzewska-Wirkus Subject(s):
Efficient and valid assessment of personality traits: population norms of a brief version of the NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) Journal title: Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Authors: Annett Korner, Zofia Czajkowska, Cornelia Albani, Martin Drapeau, Michael Geyer, Elmar Braehler Subject(s):
TEST RORSCHACHA W DIAGNOSTYCE KLINICZNEJ I BADANIACH MIEDZYKULTUROWYCH Journal title: Psychiatria i Psychoterapia Authors: Ewa Waszkiewicz, Kornelia Zakrzewska-Wirkus Subject(s):
Inquiry into Leadership: The Case of Romanian Women Leaders Journal title: Manager Journal Authors: Adela Coman Subject(s):
Factor Structure of Schizotypal Personality in India Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Sanjay Kumar, Reshu Chaudhary Subject(s):
Openness to Experience, Neuroticism, and Resilience of College Instructors Journal title: Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal Authors: Marjorie Alibo Subject(s): Education, Psychology