PETA ILMU PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM Journal title: Jurnal Tarbiyah Authors: Sehat Sultoni Dalimunthe Subject(s):
Finished technologies of processing parts with coatings Journal title: Вісник Житомирського державного технологічного університету. Серія: Технічні науки Authors: V.V. Burykin, Yu.О. Kharlamov, V.M. Nochvai Subject(s):
Perangkat Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) dalam Penelitian dan Penyajian Informasi Arkeologi Journal title: Kapata Arkeologi Authors: Muhammad Al Mujabuddawat Subject(s):
Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Kemagnetan melalui Penerapan Peta Konsep Kemagnetan dalam Program Remedi dan Pengayaan Journal title: Pancasakti Science Education Journal Authors: Siti Khomariyah Subject(s):
Identification of field pea gene bank samples by component characteristics in relation to the breeding of plant varieties of various directions of economical use Journal title: Plant varieties studying and protection Authors: V.V. Chernuskiy Subject(s):
PENGARUH METODE PETA KONSEP (Menggunakan Macromedia Flash) UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR KOGNITIF SISWA Journal title: DIDAKTIKA BIOLOGI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Biologi Authors: Apriyansah Apriyansah, Muhammad Isnaini, Syarifah Syarifah Subject(s):
Cryptococcal Meningitis in an Immunocompetant Patient: A Case Report Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Paryant Vala Subject(s):
Antimicrobial activity of kojic acid from endophytic fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides isolated from Sonneratia apetala, a mangrove plant of the Sundarbans Journal title: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine Authors: Satyajit Sarker Subject(s):
Updates in Pelviperineal Reconstruction Options After Abdominoperineal Resection Journal title: JURNALUL DE CHIRURGIE [JOURNAL of SURGERY] Authors: Dan Cristian Moraru, Viorel Scripcariu Subject(s):
Lectotypification of the name Rubus micropetalus (Rosaceae) Journal title: Annals of Plant Sciences Authors: Bhavadas Narayanan, Balakrishnan Thara Umesh Subject(s):
The Efficacy of Zingiber officinale (Ginger-Zingiberaceae) Crude Extracts Applied as Individual and Mixed with Dennettia tripetala (Pepperfruit-Annonaceae) against Musca domestica (Housefly) Larvae Journal title: Journal of Experimental Agriculture International Authors: Cynthia Chioma Ojianwuna, Francisca Ifeomah Surveyor Subject(s):
The Effect of Ethanol Extract of Ripe Denettia tripetala Fruit (Pepper Fruit) on Indices of Liver and Kidney Function in Male Albino Wistar Rats Journal title: International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review Authors: E. I. Akpakpan, U. E. Bassey, O. E. Etim, U. M. Ekanemesang Subject(s): Chemistry, Biochemistry
OCCURRENCE OF THE RED GIANT FLYING SQUIRREL (PETAURISTA PETAURISTA: SCIURIDAE) IN BANGLADESH Journal title: Nature Conservation Research. Заповедная наука Authors: M. Tarik Kabir, M. Farid Ahsan, Ayesha Khatoon, M. Mizanur Rahman Subject(s):
Nutritive Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Moringa stenopetala (Baker f.) Cufod Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: H. L. Raghavendra, T. R. Prashith Kekuda, B. N. Vijayananda, Dereje Duressa, Tifsehit Solomon Subject(s):
Effect of Nepeta Menthoides on Cognitive Disorders in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Clinical Trial Journal title: European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences Authors: A Abdolahadi, A. Nazeri, S. Esmaeili, Z. Amiri, M. Movahhed Subject(s):