Wyprysk fotoalergiczny i fototoksyczny Journal title: Alergoprofil Authors: Radosław Śpiewak Subject(s):
Photoallergic and phototoxic eczema Journal title: Alergoprofil Authors: Radosław Śpiewak Subject(s):
PHOTOSENSITIVITY OF HILL STREAM FISHES WITH RETENE PHOTOSENSITIZER Journal title: Indian Journal of Scientific Research Authors: SUNIL KUMAR Subject(s):
IN VITRO PHOTO-TOXICITY SCREENING OF HYDROALCOHOLIC EXTRACT OBTAINED FROM MANILKARA ZAPOTA (L.) ROYEN LEAVES Journal title: International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Norma Leonard Rebello, Suhasini Shyamkant Bhalerao Subject(s):
Combined Use of In Vitro Phototoxic Assessments and Cassette Dosing Pharmacokinetic Study for Phototoxicity Characterization of Fluoroquinolones Journal title: The AAPS Journal Authors: Yoshiki Seto, Ryo Inoue, Masanori Ochi, Graham Gandy, Shizuo Yamada, Satomi Onoue Subject(s): Medicine