CULTURE ET ENGRAISSEMENT DE TILAPIAS AVEC REUTILISATION DES DECHETS DANS LES POTAGES Journal title: Environmental Smoke Authors: Rosieudo Leite da Silva, Francisco de Assis da Silva, Carlos Alberto Isaza, Ana Carolina Assis Sampa... Subject(s): Cattle, Dairy processing. Dairy products, Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Business Administration, Computer and Information Science, Earth Sciences, Economics, Education, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Humanities, Law, Social Sciences, Sports and Recreation, Agricultural Science
About the legal regulation of livestock in Ukraine Journal title: Проблеми законності Authors: В. Ю. УРКЕВИЧ Subject(s):
STUDY OF ICHTHYOFAUNA OF PAGARA DAM OF MORENA DISTRICT, MADHYA PRADESH Journal title: Indian Journal of Scientific Research Authors: Dushyant Kumar Sharma Subject(s):
Concept of Sustainable Bioremediation for Perpetual Control of Fish Diseases Caused by Watermoulds and Bacteria Journal title: International Journal of Zoological Investigations Authors: Shakti K Prabhuji Subject(s): Zoology
Methods in fish genetics, selection and biotechnology. Thematic bibliography / Методи досліджень у генетиці, селекції риб та біотехнологіях. Тематична бібліографія Journal title: Рибогосподарська наука України Authors: Ir. Hrytsynyak, T. Shvets Subject(s):
Statistics and Economy of Fish Farming in Ukraine Journal title: Статистика України Authors: О. L. Popova Subject(s):