Przegęszczona płoć i jej baza pokarmowa zasobna w zooplankton poniżej tamy Zbiornika Jeziorsko Journal title: Roczniki Naukowe Polskiego Związku Wędkarskiego Authors: Joanna Lik, Małgorzata Adamczuk, Maria Grzybkowska, Eliza Szczerkowska-Majchrzak Subject(s):
Arcuate ligament compression as a cause of early-onset thrombosis of the hepatic artery after liver transplantation Journal title: Annals of Hepatology Authors: Mario Vilatobá, Daniel Zamora-Valdés, Manuel Guerrero-Hernández, Héctor Romero-Talamás, Rafael... Subject(s):
Paraspinal bioelectrical muscle activity differentiation with surface EMG in active seniors Journal title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna Authors: Renata Kielnar, Łukasz Oleksy, Joanna Grzegorczyk Subject(s):
Różnicowanie napięć bioelektrycznych mięśni przykręgosłupowych u aktywnych seniorów przy użyciu powierzchniowego EMG Journal title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna Authors: Renata Kielnar, Łukasz Oleksy, Joanna Grzegorczyk Subject(s):
Portable Facial Recognition Jukebox Using Fisherfaces (Frj) Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Richard Mo, Adnan Shaout Subject(s):
Share Desktop Screen to Raspberry Pi Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: Tarun Jain Subject(s):
Primary Ewing's sarcoma of lumbar vertebra-A rare case report Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Authors: G. Madhavi Latha , N. L. N. Moorthy , D. Mahesh Chander , V. Hanumath Prasad , N. Anil , J. Suneeth... Subject(s):
Lipid profile and its association with coronary heart disease Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Authors: Deepak Kishan Bokankar , Nillawar A. N , Patil V. P Subject(s):
Wireless E-Notice Board Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: Mitesh Santhakumar , Prasad Bhagat , Ujjwal Rajjpurohit , Nitesh Mhatre , Prof VarshaBodade Subject(s):
HPTLC analysis and in-vitro antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic activities of ethanol extract of leaves of Actinodaphnemadraspatana Bedd Journal title: Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: Devarajan Saravanan , Indira Viswambaran Asharani Subject(s):
DESIGN OF UNIVERSAL ACCESS USING RFID TAG: A REVIEW Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: Miss.Bhede Snehal V. Subject(s):
Bank Locker Securty System Using Iot Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: Aravinth .J , Gokilaprabha .P , Haribhuvaneshwaran .T , Yogeshwaran .R , Aiswarya .S M.E Subject(s):
Inter and intra specific cannibalism and aggressiveness within the Triturus cristatus superspecies: hungry or crowded? Journal title: Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation - International Journal of the Bioflux Society Authors: Laurenţiu Burlacu, Cătălina Radu, Tiberiu Sahlean, Ionel-Claudiu Gavriloaie Subject(s):
Зимостойкость Ремонтантной Малины в Условиях Юга Иркутской Области Journal title: Журнал ÑтреÑÑ-физиологии и биохимии Authors: M. Rachenko, E. Rachenko Subject(s):
An Adaptive Traffic Control System Using Raspberry PI Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: S.Lokesh Subject(s):